Chapter 10: I Like you

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---two weeks later---

I was playing Grand Theft Auto when YN walked in. She was wearing tight shorts and a pink shirt.Her ass looked so nice.

Lately I think I need to get out and get some chicks! I mean. I am crushing on a 15 year old! But a hot one...

Whatever. I just need to get out there and see all my options. Maybe I'll find a hot super model. One thing I'm sure of is that no girl will reject me. I am a Sexy beast.


When I walked into the living room I noticed Justin staring at my butt. I smirked and grabbed some water and sat down at the table just staring off into the distance.

I watched Justin play xbox he was sitting in his normal position,leaned forward. He licked his lips and pressed down on the buttons.

He was so hot! I mean I DONT like him. He is just really hot! Oh god...I need a boyfriend! To be honest I kind of miss Lane like a lot!

I pulled out my phone and texted lane.



Within a couple minutes I got a text back.

From: Lane


I smiled

To: Lane

Did you want to maybe hang out?

Currently we were in Montana doing a concert Tomorrow night.

From: Lane

Yeah! Meet me at Dairy Queen in 10?

To: Lane


I decided to walk to Dairy Queen it was only like a block away. I grabbed my phone and got up.

"I'm gonna head to Dairy Queen" I said so Justin knew where I was going.

"Ok" he didn't Make eye contact he just kept staring at the tv really focused on the game.

I sighed and walked out the door. I started walking down the street when some girls spotted me and asked for some pics. After that I moved faster to Dairy Queen when I got to the building I opened the door and walked through it I looked around and saw Lane.

He was sitting at a table fumbling with his fingers I smiled and walked over.
He smiled and got up, he gave me a hug. I was a bit taken back but then hugged back.

Then we both sat down.

"Did you already order?" I asked

"Yeah and I got your favorite" he smiled

I mentally blushed "you remembered?"

"Yeah..." then a ladie came with our blizzards and we started eating them

"So how are you?" I asked breaking the silence

"I'm okay...How about you?"

"I'm alright"


"Yeah?" I met his gaze

"I miss you"

"I know I miss you too"

"No I mean I miss us!"

"Like us together?" I was confused


"Lane... I"

"YN it kills me knowing somebody else can make you happy I look at the papers and all I see is you laughing and smiling with somebody that is not me!"

"Lane we broke up because you liked Skylar..."

"No I didn't she liked me!"

"Yeah and I was scared eventually she would have what you want and I wouldn't."

"YN you are so perfect to me. Every part of you is amazing. I wish you could see how beautiful you are and how much I love you. I really want to be with you... so badly!" I smiled he is too sweet. I was about to say something when I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Hey Babe! I didn't expect to see you here" Skylar came up and gave Lane a kiss on the cheek.

Lane looked like he was going to shit his pants. I'm not gonna lie I honestly felt tears welling up in my eyes. He is a two timer and always will be

I laughed "I just realized I have a meeting later so I have to go, it was nice seeing you Skylar, Lane" I got up and left.

I started walking back to the bus. when i got in the bus I saw Justin sitting right where I left him. I angrily walked in and stood infront of the tv.

"So do you hate me?" I blurted

He sighed paused his game and leaned back "No why would I?"

"Because I kissed you two weeks ago, then you just walk around like nothing happened!"

"Because you asked me too!!" he shouted

"Yeah! and I thought you liked me! assuming you liked me I thought you wouldn't let it go!"

"I do like you! but you hate me!"

"Oh my god Justin I like you! how many hints do you need?!"

"What hints have you given me?"

"I kissed you, I spend time with you!"

"YN I'm sorry..." he got up and walked towards me

I lowered my head down to the ground. He pulled my chin up with his finger.
I looked at him for 2 seconds until I felt his lips crash on mine my stomach erupted with butterflies. I felt so nervous I felt my palms get sweaty.

After about 10 seconds he pulled away.

"Does that show I like you?" he asked

I chuckled and nodded he just smiled


So guys what did you think?

Don't get hooked on YN and Justin being together there is way more in store for you!(;

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