Chapter 25: The Last Of Me

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As much as I love living in YN's body I can't stay here. I just can't I came to do a job. He sent me to get her and bring her back to our world. Then to disperse of her.

I sighed closing my laptop. I just got done reading some hate messages. Wow. Guess this life isn't all it seems.
I got up from the bed. Walked into the living room slipped on some shoes and walked out the door.

* * *

There I stood. The wind blowing through my wavy hair. Tangling every strand with another. My feet planted straight forward. My hands hanging down my sides.

I took a deep breath. I took a step forward. Leaning over the edge. I saw a crowded street and a paved sidewalk. One more step and I'm back to reality.

I put my arms out as i was about to take my last step.

"Dont!" a voice shouted behind me

I turned my head to see Justin. He had tears in his eyes. He was on his knees.

"Please...Just dont.. I need her..." he cried softly

"I was sent here to do a job. He wants YN. I'm sorry..." I said

I looked back down at the pavement took one last breath then. Jumped.


Hey guys! so I'm back!

Who do you think this 'He' is?

What happened to YN?

So if you guys were wondering why I took a break. I was just going through some stuff.

My boyfriend got a concussion!!! Poor baby. :( he needed me so yeah. But thank you for the votes and comments. :)

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