Chapter 26: Please Come Back

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"Sir can you please tell us what happened?"
The cop held a pen and a note pad.

"Um..I got back to the tour bus and saw she wasn't there so I walked outside looking for her when..."
I stopped and started crying

"When what?" he asked

"When I saw something on the roof of that building." I pointed

He started writing down information and nodded.

"I walked up there and told her not to jump. She said she was sent here to do a job. 'he' wanted YN"

The cop gave me an odd look.

"Sir, Are you on drugs?" he asked

I shook my head "No!"

"Are you drinking?"

"Hell no! A demon possessed my girlfriend and jumped off a building!"

He nodded and wrote something down.

"I'm going to suggest you see a counselor,Get some rest. Then come tell us your story." He said then walked away.

I sighed. Then turned around to face my mom. She stood there with sad eyes then she opened her arms. I walked into her arms and hugged her. I started to cry on her shoulder.

"Do they know if?" she whispered

"No." I sniffled pulling away.

"Where is she?"

"The hospital"

"Come on" she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car.

* * *

We walked into the hospital and straight to the front desk.

"Excuse me, Where is YN YLN being held?" my mom asked

"I'm sorry that's confidential" she went back to clicking on her computer

Mom sighed and turned around. I looked at her.

"Maybe if I tell them who I am?" I asked

"No, We will just call scooter." she pulled out her phone and dialed

We waited a few seconds.

"Scooter,Have you seen the news!?" she said into the phone

"Well I suggest you get down to the hospital on 5th street now!" she shouted and hung up

"Did we interrupt him?" I asked

"He was just having dinner with Yael" she smiled

"Maybe we shouldn't have called him" I frowned

"Justin, Scooter is YN's manager too. He pledged to stay by her side. I wonder how he's going to take this"

We walked to the waiting area and sat down waiting for scooter.

I couldn't help but let tears form in my eyes. Scooter walked in with Yael and rushed to us.

"Is everything okay?! what happened!?" he asked

I got up "YN..she jumped." I sobbed

"She what?!" he said worried

Then the doctor walked into the room.

"Are any of you family of YN YLN?" he asked

"No but I'm her manager." scooter walked to the doctor.

"Is she ok??" he asked

"She's stable. But" he paused

"But what?" my mom asked

"But she has a broken arm and bruised ribs" he sighed

"How did he survive the fall?" I asked

"We don't exactly know but she did fall on a man. Which kind of helped her."

"Can I see her?" I asked

"She's asleep. But yes you can" he led me to her room and shut the door behind him.

It was now just YN and I.

"YN I know you're in there somewhere please baby..I need you...Come back" I cried and held her hand.

I sat down next to her bedside and watched as she slept hoping she would wake up soon.


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