Chapter 31: You Lied

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"Where are you going?" I set my xbox controller down. I saw YN slipping her flip flops on as she was about to walk out the door.

"Madison said she was in the area. She told me to meet her at the mall." she smiled

"Oh okay." She then walked out the sore slamming it behind her she seemed kind of in a rush.

I looked around me or my phone when I saw it to my left on the couch. I picked it up and dialed Madison's number.


M: Hello?

J: Hey where are you?

M: Um Australia,why?

J: Just wondering thanks

M: yeah no-

*end of convo*

I cut the line before she could finish. I slipped on my superas and walked out of the tour bus.

I knew exactly where YN was going to be. Scooter was talking about filming one of YNs new videos at a beach. I walked to the beach not to far from the tour bus and found a lot of people. The crew.


"Okay YN I want you to meet Matthew." Scooter walked up to me with a boy by his side.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hi" he smiled

"Okay well you guys have 5 minutes to get to know each other before the camera starts rolling." He grinned then walked away

Oh god..I hate you scott!

"So um..." I started

"You look really nice today." he smiled

"Thanks.." I chuckled

He started laughing "Sorry that sounded really bad." he continued

"No,No it was cute." I reassure him

He nodded

"So how's your boyfriend?" he asks

Then I feel my heart begin to ache. For a second I forgot about Justin. I forgot I had a boyfriend. Why,Why would I forget about Justin. He means the world to me.

"He's good" I fake a smile

"That's..Good" he smiles faintly and looked at the ground.

Well that was wierd...

"YN, Matt! let's go!!" Scott yelled

"Coming Scott!" I yelled back

He groaned loudly. I chuckled he hates when I call him Scott.

We Arrived next to scooter and he told us what was going on.

"So YN you will be sitting down right there with the ladies. You all will be laughing and etc.. Girly shit,Ya know?" Scooter said

I laughed and nodded

"Then Matt and his boys will come over to you fine ladies and start talking to you. Then they all start heading to the water and you and Matt walk slowly behind." He paused

"Then you and Matt will join your people in the water. Splashing,Laughing,Having a great time. Then you will all fast forward to the beach bonfire. Everyone is smiling laughing then Matt pulls you away and you guys walk on the beach chuckling over old memories and he grabs your hand. Blah Blah Blah. Got it?"

"Yup" I smiled

Matt nodded

"Ok people let's do this."

We walked onto the set and I sat down next to all these girls. Then the cameras started Rolling.

I started to sing my song Daydreamin
(It's Ari's but in this story it's yours!)

They all started talking then Matt and his friends walked over. all the girls got up and hugged the guys then they ran to the water. Matt walked over to me as I got up and smiled he said hey and I said hey back.

We walked to the water and started joining everyone in the splash war. We all laughed and pushed each other around.

Then we were at the bonfire roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. Everyone was smiling and happy. Matt got up and asked if I wanted to take a walk with him I nodded and we tarted to walk along the side of the beach. We laughed at some old memories and stories. He grabbed my hand and smiled looking into my eyes. I felt butterflies when..

"CUT!" scooter yelled.

"That's a wrap for today." Scooter smiled

I walked to scooter and gave him a hug.
He then pulled away

"I'll see you tomorrow at Justin's video." he smiled

I nodded and started to walk away when I froze in my tracks. "Wait Justin's video?"

"Yeah he's doing his Confident video tomorrow."

"And who's the girl in this?" I asked

"Cailin" he smiled

"Mhhmm" I hummed and walked away fast

Justin is in big trouble. I walked up to the sidewalk and saw Justin sitting on a bench.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shouted

"I could ask you the same" he got up

"I was shooting a video"

"Well you didn't think you had to tell me that? YN you lied to me."

"You lied to me too!" i shouted again

"About what?" he questioned

"About Cailin! Why is she in ANOTHER music video of yours!?"

"YN I never asked for her to be in this video. Scooter said that she was good actress and that she did cheap pay." he sighed

"You know why she does cheap pay!?" I asked

He cocked his eyebrow up

"Because, She gets to grind in you! Hell I would do that for free!" I screamed

He chuckled and looked at the ground shaking his head.

"I love you so much." he smiled walking to me.

I just looked into his eyes. He cupped my face with his hands and stared into my eyes. After a few minutes he pressed his soft lips onto mine. Then he pulled away.

"I love you more." i smiled

"Impossible" he kissed my nose and grabbed my hand as we started walking back to the bus.



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