Chapter 33: Cailin Problems

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I gasped I cannot believe him. He so rude and disrespectful!

There I saw Justin fast asleep on the couch with a bottle laying on the table.

(I know what you guys were thinking! Hah no.)

He must have gone clubbing with Za and Twist tonight. Ugh my god.

I walked to the table and grabbed the empty bottle. Disposing of it. I sighed and walked back to the room I quickly got changed into some pjs and hopped in bed.

I turned off the light and covered myself with the blanket.


I woke up to a grunting noise. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed I walked to my bag and got out the Advil. Then I walked back to the main room. I grabbed a glass of water.

I walked to Justin and handed it to him. He smiled and took it.

"What would I do without you" he smiled

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the room crawling back in bed. I sat there for awhile. Then decided maybe I should get up.

I walked to my suit case and grabbed some shorts and a t shirt. I slipped my clothes on and walked back to the main room. I slipped my flip flips on and slid my phone in my back pocket.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked

"Out" I replied and slammed the door behind me.


The door slammed behind YN and then she was gone. I quickly got off the couch and made sure my hair was fixed.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see her.

I smiled and opened the door for her. She walked in and sat on the couch I walked over and sat down next to her.

She immediately started kissing me. I couldn't help but kiss back.


I was in the lobby when I realized that I forgot my credit card. I walked back to the elevator an pushed Floor 4.

I waited patiently as the elevator doors closed and the elevator started moving up.

The doors then opened up on the 4th floor. I walked out into the hallway. Then walked to my room, I slid my card into the slot an opened the door.

There I saw Cailin on top of Justin kissing him on the couch. I felt anger rage inside of me.

I stormed over to her I then grabbed her by her hair and pulled her off of my man. She shrieked as I slammed her to the ground.

Justin looked at me wide eyed.

Then Cailin got up and Slapped me across the face.

My face turned to the side as she slapped me then I brought it back to her face. She smirked.

"Is that all you got?" I asked

"What do you mean? I got to slap you and fuck your boyfriend!" she smirked

I looked at her confused

"Oh you know that's why Justin was late home last night." She crossed her arms.

I lost it right then and there. I launched my self at her.We both fell to the ground. I started throwing punches at her left an right. I punched her in the nose. Her nose started bleeding. I raised my fist for another punch when I felt somebody grab my fist.

I looked up and saw Scooter. He grabbed me by my waist and got me off of Cailin. Justin was standing behind Scooter looking worried.

Cailin got up and started crying.She ran out of the room an I glared at scooter.

"Why'd you stop me!" I shouted

"Because YN!" he shouted back and walked out of the room.

I looked at Justin he came closer.

"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" I cut him off

"Save your sorry ass apology for some other bitch." I put my hand up and walked out

I walked to the elevator. Then walked in when a voice spoke my name.



Well damn. Who's the voice?

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