Chapter 12: The Nightmare

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"We took off in that UFO like What's Hatnin?, What's Hatnin?, baby girl What's Hatnin?" I heard my song streaming through the bus.

I leaned forward and rubbed my eyes. I smiled I already knew that I was going to walk out to the living room and see YN dancing to the song.

I swung my feet over the bed and walked to the livingroom. I saw exactly what I thought I would. I started laughing and YN did too.

She turned the music down.

"The choreographer complained to scooter that I really needed to practice dancing" she rolled her eyes

"Well I think you're doing just fine" I laughed and walked to the cupboards

I pulled out a bowl,captain crunch,and the milk. I poured my cereal and sat down at the table eating it.

"Shutt uppp" she whined.

I chuckled and continued eating. James walked back from the gas station and hopped in the driver seat. He smiled.

"You kids ready to get back on the road?" he asked

"Yeah, where we at?" YN asked

"As of right now we are in Nevada, But I made a wrong turn while driving last night were actually supposed to be in Colorado" we all laughed

"Yeah scooter is pretty mad" he continued

After small talk we were on our way to Colorado. YN and I sat down and played some Black ops.

This girl was kicking my ass. She was a pro. Every once and awhile I would look at her from the corner of my eye to see her biting her lip in concentration it was kinda cute.

We decided to take a break it was getting late. About 9:55 she said she was getting tired so we walked back to our rooms. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went into my room.


"YN I'm telling you that was on the counter! then it fell!" Madison assured me

"Madison I'm telling you. That is just nonsense.Now go back to bed!"

"YN..." Madison started walking into the darkness of my living room.

I ignored it and closed my eyes.

"YN!" she shouted terrified

I shot up and walked towards where she was.


No answer.

"Madison, this isn't funny."

Still no answer. I walked into the darkness. it was pitch black I thought I saw figures everywhere. I froze and closed my eyes.

I didn't want to be forced to look at all my surroundings. I heard laughter. I opened my eyes quickly and saw a shadow running up the stairs.

I ran after it. Assuming it was Madison. It stopped at the top of the stairs and stood with it's back to me.

I walked up to it.

"Madison, come on!" I turned the figure around

I screamed and fell backwards down the stairs. I saw a girl in a pink dress she looked a little younger than me.

Her face was all burnt like she was caught in a fire. I got up and ran to the front door I opened it.

There were suddenly thousands of little girls all walking towards me. Ad if I had done something. I backed up.

My body was then pressed against another and a hand was brought over my mouth. I tried screaming.


Then I felt a sharp pain meet my throat I realized there was a knife pressed to it. It slowly slid across my neck before...

I woke up sweating and all. I found the sun gleaming in my eyes. I rubbed my forehead.

It was only a dream. No it wasn't it was a nightmare.

What did the girl want? I sighed and plopped my head back down on the pillow.


Haha. Wtf just happened?

Tell me your thoughts or don't. hahah

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