Chapter 39: Cheating

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(1 week Later)

"Okay Guys!" Scooter yelled getting our attention.

I turned away from my dancers and looked over to scooter.

"This is the second to last show, So I want you guys practicing all day,Today! Did you hear me YN? No Texting,No Tweeting,No Nothing...But dancing..And singing" he gave me a stern look

I chuckled and put my hands up in defense. "Hey don't be looking at me, Justin is the one over there Texting his Mommy!" I pointed to Justin

He was in the corner with his phone typing away on his screen. Scooter rolled his eyes and walked over to Justin.

He grabbed the phone from Justin's hands earning a whine from Justin. "Scooter!! Just let me finish the text!!" he whined

"Nope. You have work to do so uh get to it bieber." he pushed him towards us.

"Yah,Bieber." I smirked

Justin gave me a glare. I laughed and turned back around to my dancers.


"Ugh can we please be done! I'm so exhausted!" I complained

"Yes,You may." Scooter smiled

"Okay can I have my phone though?" I asked

"Oh here" he sighed in his pocket and pulled out my pink iPhone 5c

"Thank you!" I snatched it from his hands and walked off.

I stopped by my duffel bag and looked down at my phone. The time read 9:30. Wow I am so ready for bed...

I sighed and put my phone down. I grabbed my sweat towel and wiped the sweat from my forhead.

Suddenly I felt two Muscular Arms grab onto my waist and spin me around. There I came face to face with My Boyfriend. Justin Drew Bieber.

"Well Hey." I smiled

"Hey" he smiled kissing my cheek.

I chuckled. The feeling of his skin on mine,Was incredible. I felt like I was in a trance like nothing in life was more important than him. Like maybe just maybe, I would be ok living.

"Ready to go?" he asked

"Uh yeah!" I smiled as he grabbed my hand and we walked out to his car.



"So are you hungry?" I asked smiling

"Yes!" YN complained

I chuckled "Where do you wanna eat?"

"How about...Jack in the box!" she smiled

I smiled and nodded my head.


"Good night guys!" I waved walking off the stage

"Good job!" scooter patted my back as I took my sweat towel and slowly wiped the sweat off my face.

"Thanks" I smiled

Then I walked to my dressing room. I mentally sighed thinking about tomorrow being the last show of this tour...

Oh great.. I walked out of my dressing room and down the hall to YN's

"Okay,Love you too babe,Bye" I heard YN get off of a phone call.

My heart dropped to my stomach. She's cheating...


So I hate to say it but this book is coming to an end. Tell me what you thought.

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