Chapter 20: Visiting Demons

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Whatever was right infront of me was breathing heavily. I closed my eyes shut in fear.

"Don't be afraid of the dark."

A low voice whispered

I cringed as I felt a shiver send down my spine from the voice. I gulped. Then found the words.

"I'm Not Afraid." I stood tall

Then i heard the creaking of a door and saw a small light beyond it.

"Then go in" the voice whispered

I gulped hard and started towards the door.

I walked In and was filled with darkness.

The door slammed behind me. Then the light flickered on. I looked at my surroundings. There was Concrete walls and a bed. Where am I?

"Hello YN" a girl smiled walking out of a dark corner.

"Who are you?" I asked as my hands trembled

"Kate.Kate Seller"

She smirked

"Impossible. Y-You died"

"In that fire?" she laughed "No I didn't."

I felt my knees get weak.


"You see the firefighters were so very kind. They drug me out. Here I am" She gestured to her body.

"How old are you?" I managed to speak up

"15" she smiled

"Where are we?" I asked again

"In a mental institute" she smiled


"Because I- Soon to be you- killed my stepfather" she smiled

"Soon to be me?"

"Yeah,I told you I'm taking your life."


"Sorry sweetie times up. Ill see you later." she laughed and everything dissapeared in a blink of an eye.


I woke up and got out of bed I walked to my bag and unzipped it. Grabbing out some tylenol. I popped one in my mouth and dry swallowed it.

Visiting spirits gives headaches I rubbed my temples.

A voice popped back into my head.

No it doesn't, But visiting demons does.


Super short. Sorry. I have been so busy lately but I promise I'll try to update again before Monday.

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