Chapter 18: Soulmates

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"YN!" Jane the choreographer shouted

"What?" I said snapping out of daydream.

"You need to pay attention!" she yelled


The whole time I was thinking. Why would that girls sister want my life? what have I done? What does 'KS' stand for? I have so many questions. And not enough answers.

"Ok well try again before the show" Jane released us.

I then walked away. I was walking and felt an arm sneak around my waist as I was walking.

I looked to see..Justin...Yeah we kinda made up..Good news! he broke it off with Barbie.

"So what was up with you in rehearsals?" he asked

"I was trying to figure out all the answers to all these questions"

"Did you get anything?" he chuckled

I just glared at him. He smiled like a little kid. We walked out of the dance studio to Justin's car. We were met by flashing lights. Paparrazzi.

Justin hand then slid from my waist down to my hand. He intertwined our fingers and smiled at me.

Were not exactly dating I mean he hasn't asked me out. This whole Justin and I thing is confusing. I hate him but I love him. We have never gone out on a date. But we do the stuff couples do. I mean wtf is this shit?

We arrived to his car and he opened my door. I got in and he closed the door. he ran to the other side. Stating up the car he honked his horn so the paps would move.

We finally made it out and sped down the freeway. It was kinda cold so I turned on the heater. God I can't wait for summer! I'll still be touring so it will be pretty awesome especially since I'll be finishing off my tour in The U.S.


"Yeah?" he asked glancing at me then looking back at the road

I decided maybe this was the time I should ask him about us.

"What are we?" I asked biting my lip

"We are Justin and YN." he chuckled

I giggled "no I mean us!What are we?"

"We are..." he put his hand on mine "Soulmates" he smiled

I laughed and looked down at our hands. His hand fit perfectly on top of mine. He flipped my hand over and placed his hand in my palm. Slidding his fingers in between mine. Then locking them.

I smiled. I guess we are Soulmates...

Then I heard a laugh in my head followed by a voice.

No you're not

What the fuck?

You and Justin are a joke

Who is this?

The names Kate Seller


Got that right

What do you want?

I want That pretty little life of yours.

And I'm gonna get it.

The voice faded.

"You okay baby?" Justin asked

"Oh yeah I'm fine." I put on a fake smile and turned on the radio just in case the bitch came back.


I hope you liked it. Hopefully I can update tomorrow but I don't know. I have school so yeah..back to hell;)

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