Chapter 27: Im Back

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I woke up on the cold hard cement. I had the worst headache. I got up squinting at the light.

I looked around and saw nothing but cement walls. No this can't be.

I rushed to one of the walls pounding on it. Screaming.Kicking. Crying.

"There's no use, You're stuck here" I heard his voice boom through the block

"Please no!" I screamed

"Shhhh..its ok it won't hurt..ill do it fast" He chuckled then I saw two figures walk out from the cell walls towards me

They were wearing black robes with hoods that covered their faces. They walked to me. One grabbed my arms as the other held onto my neck. Then. Snap.


I gasped leaning up quickly. I looked at my surroundings. On my left was a machine an a window. On the right was A door and Justin?

I smiled widely. I'm back. Justin was sleeping quietly so I laid my head back down. Smiling.

I decided I couldn't wait so I swung my feet over the bed and attacked Justin with a big hug.

He shifted a bit the fluttered his eyes open. He saw me and smiled so big.

"YN?" he asked

"I'm back! Justin it's me!" I smiled widely

He wrapped his arms around me and put his head in my shoulder. I heard sobbing.

"Justin..whats wrong?" I asked

"Katherine. She jumped the roof and I thought you were...gone" he cried

I rubbed his back "Baby I'm here.." I smiled

He pulled away and kissed my lips softly and sweetly.

He pulled away "I missed your lips" he smiled

"I missed yours" I chuckled

Then the door opened and scooter walked in with some coffee. He didn't see me yet so I spoke up.

"Is that coffee for me?" I chuckled

He looked up wide-eyed and dropped the coffee.

"YN!!!" he smiled giving me a big hug

"Well hello to you too." I smiled

Then he pulled away.

"You do realize you dropped perfectly good coffee?" I asked

"Whatever I'll buy more" he waved his hand

"Why did you jump off the building?" he asked

"Um...You see" I paused then looked at Justin he nodded for me to tell Scooter about the thing but I shook it off

"Well honestly I really wanted to try bungee jumping! but it seems my cord wasn't attached." I smiled

"YN you could of killed yourself." he sighed

"Yeah but I didn't." I smiled innocently

"Instead you have this." he pointed to my broken arm in a cast. Shit I broke my arm? Hhaha

"And bruised ribs." he finished

" But I feel fine. So when does this tour start again." I smiled

Scooter smiled widely "That's my girl!" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my head.

"Let me go talk to the doctor" he smiled and walked out if the room.

"You seriously can't feel anything?" Justin asked

"Nope!" I chuckled

"Well atleast you're back" he got up and gave me a soft hug.

"Yeah..Im back..." I whispered


Well who's happy YN's back?

I AM!:)

And Katherine's gone!:)

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