Chapter 21: Taken Over

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I was in bed when I heard a ruffling sound. I leaned up and saw YN scrambling through a bag.

"YN? what are you doing?" I rubbed my eyes

Her head shot up "ohh nothing...."

She got up and split to the living room. I quickly uncovered myself and walked into the living room. I saw YN in the fridge looking for something.

"What's wrong?" I put my hand over my stomach.

"Nothing" she smiled and continued looking

She's acting really wierd. What is wrong with her?

I walked back to the room an decided to call Justin.

*Phone convo*

J: Hello?

M: Justin! It's madison!

J: hey what's up?

M: I need you over here now! It's YN.


M: Not exactly

J: what happened????

M: Just get over here

*end of convo*

5 minutes of waiting and I heard a loud knock on the door. YN got up and walked back to our room while I answered the door.

Justin walked in moving me aside.

"Where is she!?" He sounded worried

I pointed I the bedroom and he rushed in there we opened the door to find YN sitting on the bed with a razor blade.

She hummed a light tune while she pushed it against her wrist and slid it down her skin. Blood seeped from her wrist to the floor. She smiled.

"YN! What are you doing!?" Justin shouted walking to her and grabbing the blade

She smiled innocently "Nothing much"

"You're are cutting yourself!?" He calmed down

"What? it's fun!" she chuckled

He rolled his eyes and walked back over to me.

"That's not YN." he whispered in my ear

"Well it's her body!" I whisper yelled

"Yes but it's not YN." he sighed and walked back to the living room.

"Who is it then?" I asked

"Kate" he rubbed his forehead

"Who's Kate?"

"Some girl that started visiting YN in her dreams."

"You mean like a ghost?" I asked

"Yeah I guess."

I sighed then started pacing the room.

"What does this mean?"

"I don't know" he frowned and looked down


"Hello???" I shouted

All I heard was the echo of my voice in the dark shadows of the place I was in. I don't even know where I was. It was really dark. Quiet.

All I remember is Kate talking to me then *Boom* I'm in a dark room. Alone.


I smiled. I finally got into YN's body. I plan on having a little bit of fun. That is before I decide to kill this girl. Well her human body atleast. Then her soul will be trapped with me forever.

I will no longer be alone. The whole world will be devastated. Poor YN YLN is dead. Biggest pop star commits suicide. That will be the headlines.

Justin knows. He knows it's me. Not that I care. He can't do anything. Only YN can save herself. But let's face it she's too stupid to do so.

This is my game now. I have Taken Over...


Ok guys. What did you think?

Haha hopefully I can post maybe when I get home I don't know. I'm going snowboarding today so yeah.

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