Chapter 23: Katherine

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"Who are you?"i asked a figure standing infront of me

She stepped out of the light.

"I'm Kate,Who are you?"

"Kate?Kate Seller?"

"How do you know my name? Where's Katherine?"


"Katherine!Where is she?"

"I don't know who that is.." I breathed

"My twin sister!"

"I thought you were in my body."
I stampered

"What? No why would I be in your body? Who are you?"


"Well I don't know you. what are you doing in my sisters room?"

"Isn't this your room?"


"So if you're here. Then is Katherine..."

"Oh no." she sighed heavily and put her face in her hand.


"Katherine was told she couldn't leave this world again or.."
She paused "He would finish what he started" she whispered

"Who's he?"

We heard a scream.

"I can't do this right now I have to go" she walked away.

"Wait!" I paused as she stopped in her tracks "Is Katherine in my body?" I whispered

She frowned and nodded then continued walking. Then with a blink of an eye she was gone.

Short. I just didn't want to keep you guys waiting! What did you think??

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