Chapter 34: Butterflies

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"YN?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw a Little girl standing there. She had long blonde hair,And a blue little dress on.

She appeared to be standing alone. I smiled faintly.

"How do you know my name?" I asked

She mumbled something under her breath. She tilted her head to the floor.
I felt the elevator doors push open and then she brushed past me out of the elevator.

The doors closed and I was left there, I smelled...Fear? How the hell do you smell fear? But who was that girl? And how did she know my name?


"Man, Why would you do that?" Fredo asked sitting down across from me.

"I don't know, Cailin told me she could give me something YN couldn't." I replied

"What? Sex?"

"Yes..." I put my head in my hands

How could I be so stupid! YN is never going to trust me now. I have no idea why I thought Cailin could give me more than YN. She can't, YN makes me unbelievably happy. Now she will probably end up going out with Matt.

"Fredo I really screwed up" I ran a hand through my hair.

"You think!?" he gave me wide eyes.


I sat at the table and folded my hands on one another. I glanced out the window. I saw rain sliding down. I watched two particular rain drops. They both started rolling down.

I watched it as if it was a race. The one on the left was going slightly faster than the one on the right. But it was also a little smaller.

I smiled when suddenly a voice knocked me out of my trance.

"YN?" I turned my head around to meet Matts eyes.

He smiled I got up and gave him a hug. He hugged me back tightly. We both pulled away and sat down.

"I broke up with Justin." I cut to the chase

"Why?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Cailin" I hung my head down in shame

"YN..." he put his hand over mine.

I felt a rush of butterflies erupt in my stomach. I flinched. but then settled down. His skin felt so abnormal resting on mine.

He smiled and I looked up bring my eyes to his. I felt so much tension drop on the both of us. He noticed so he made a funny face. He crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

I giggled. Then he stopped the funny face laughing with me. Before I knew it our hands were laced together. Perfectly. I honestly didn't want to pull away.

I wanted to stay.


Boring chapter. Sorry just a filler since you guys broke my standards! Btw I love you guys for that.😘😊

Don't worry stuff will be going down in the next chapter so let's see if you guys get the next chapter?

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