Chapter 38: First Dance

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I turned away from my locker to see my best friend Nicole walking my way.

"Nicole!" I smiled then closed my locker.

"Are you going to the dance tonight?" she asked

"I was going to but...Treeya changed plans on me.."

I sighed

"Oh..Yeah well Treeya lied to me too. But you and I should still go."

"Yea okay but I don't think I have a ride." we started walking to first period english.

"Well my mom could always give you a ride..." She smiled



"Okay sweet." I chuckled

"So your not friends with Treeya anymore?"

"Nope" I replied bluntly

"Me either. She lies way to much!"

"Yeah I know"

We walked up the stairs to English. As I walked up the last step I saw the entrance to first period English.

I walked my way to the entrance but just before I made it a voice called my name.

"YN!" I turned around to see Trinity

Trinity is in seventh grade. A grade below me. We know each other because she is dating my friend,Garrett.

"Trin!" I smiled then quickly hugged her.


The bell went off signaling I was tardy. I rushed into the room and quickly found my desk.

"Andrew?" Ms.Parsons was calling role

"Here!" he shouted


"Here!" I smiled shyly

After role she got right to the lesson.


I slammed my locker and started walking out of the commons on to fourth period,Gym.

I was quickly greeted by Nicole in the hallway as we started walking together.

"Where's vi?" I asked

"Already there." she replied

"Oh okay."

We turned and started walking down the main hall. This hall was always crowded. Girls and boys laughter filled the air.

I squeezed my way past the groups of people gathered at lockers. Then I found the door and pushed it walking to the main building.

Some seventh graders were walking to the pod. otherwise known as the eight grade building but some seventh grade classes are in there.

I kept walking until I bumped into somebody. I looked up to see Hunter.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking before he could even speak.

He's a player and bad news. Lets just say I was stupid once.

"What was that?" Nicole asked

"What?" I smiled

"That! I thought you liked hunter?" she asked

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