Chapter 19: Babe?

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"You're on in 5!" Scooter shouted at me while he walked over to scrappy

I started breathing heavily. Justin was already on stage. He was about to end it with a closing song.

Okay.This is really nerve racking for me. I don't know why I feel every bone in my body get weak.

"Goodnight London!" he shouted and exited the stage. I sighed.

Just before I got ready to walk on stage I felt a hand grab my arm. I was turned around.

"Good luck babe." Justin winked and pecked my lips.

Even though it was a peck I got butterflies!


I walked off the stage and handed my microphone to the stage manager.

I quickly walked toy dressing room hoping to not bump into Justin. I didn't want him seeing me right now I was all sweaty and...Ew.

I opened the door to my room. I closed it behind me looking at the ground. I took off my shirt.

I was in my bright pink sports bra and my skinny jeans. I walked over to the mirror and grabbed the deodorant and put it on. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair.

There was a knock on the door. Ugh

"Come in!" I shouted

I walked over to my portable wardrobe and looked for a shirt.

"Ahhh!!!!" I heard a girly scream. What the fuck?

I turned around. There in front of me was my Bestfriend.

She ran to me and trampled me giving me a bear hug. She chuckled and pulled away.

"I missed you!!" she screamed

"I missed you more!!" I mimicked

Suddenly the door opened and we both shot our heads in the same direction.

"Babe are-" Justin paused "Was I interrupting something?" he smirked

What does he mean? He looked down at me. I then looked down my body.

I was wearing my sports bra.

Before I could speak Madison did.

"Ew. Justin she's my bestfriend! Gosh! So she's in her sports bra!" Madison shook her head.

"I was just asking!" Justin put his hands up in defense

"Whatever." Madison waved her hand "I'm gonna go say hi to scooter" She blew me a kiss and walked past Justin out the door.

Justin shut the door behind him and locked it. He smiled and walked over to me. I just rolled my eyes and turned around continuing to look for a shirt.

I felt to arms cling around my waist. Then I felt Justin's body being pushed against me from behind.

"You did good" he whispered in my ear.

"Thank you" I smiled

I flipped through the clothes on the rack. Justin flipped me around by my waist so I was facing him.

Before I could have a reaction. He connected his lips to mine. Like thy were magnets. It was perfect.

After a small make out session I got a shirt and put it on. Justin and I walked out the door.


"So....Babe?" Madison questioned looking me in the eye while we were sitting on the bed.

We were now back in the hotel. I was still freaked out by my room so I wasn't paying much attention to Madison.


"Justin called you babe. Are you two a thing now?"

"I don't know.." I rubbed my forehead with my left hand

"Okay?" she chuckled

"Can we go to bed? it's been a long day"

"Yeah" she smiled "I agree I have really bad jet lag"

I chuckled and got under the sheets. I sighed and turned off the light.


"Kate! Stop!" I heard a girl cry

I was in a pitch black room. I slowly shuffled around the room. Being as soft on my feet as possible.

"No!" the voice screamed again.

"Hello?" I shouted

All of the sudden it got quiet.

I heard foot steps walk towards me.

Then they stopped their was heavy breathing when...


What's gonna happen??

Sorry I haven't updated! The first thing they do when we get back to school is slam us with tests. Like what the fuck bro?

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