Chapter 36: Trouble

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We were all laughing, High as fuck. I was hungry so I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

We decided on McDonald's. I was driving down the highway when I saw flashing lights behind us. Then a siren started going off.

I turned the steering wheel slightly to the right. Pulling over slowly I stopped the car and waited. Soon enough there was a knock at my window.

I pressed the button and my window rolled down. I smiled faintly at the tall officer standing in front of me.

"Hello sir, Can I help you?" I asked nicely.

"May I see your license and registration please?" he asked

I nudged Za to open the Glove Box. He nodded and opened it when he opened it my eyes went wide. Shit!


As Twist nudged Za, Za opened the Glove Box. There was about a pound of weed sitting inside there. My eyes went wide. Fuck,Were in big trouble.

"Ok would you please step out of the car and put your hands behind your head?" the police officer asked.

We all slowly stepped out and leaned against the car, Putting our hands behind our head.

My fuck what is scooter going to say? What's gonna happen when my beliebers find out? What if I loose everybody?

Shit I messed up BIG TIME.

The officer patted his hands up and down our bodies searching for drugs or weapons. After searching all of his he escorted us to his car.

We all slid into the backseat. He closed the door behind us and walked back to our car searching it. We all sat it the backseat silent for awhile.

"Shit" I muttered

"Shit is fucking right! Dammit Twist how could you be so stupid!" Za whisper-yelled

"What do you mean!? that was your weed!" Twist replied.

"Ok shut up! Were gonna get our asses on big trouble if we don't get our fucking story straight!" I spoke up

Za sighed "Ok what's our story?"

I huffed then began..


There I laid with Matt. We were supposed to go on a date but I got sick and then asked if he would just snuggle with me.

So here we are. I never really showed Much affection to Justin when It came to cuddling. Sometimes I felt I had to be somebody else around him.

I don't know maybe I'm just talking crazy.

"YN will you be my girlfriend?" he aske lightly

I was a bit taken back at his sudden question but then I answered.

"Of course" I smiled

He then laced our hands together. I smiled faintly. I felt a heart ache reach my chest. I shook it off maybe it was just the sickness...


So guys.. YN is she still in love with Justin or has she moved on?

Justin...he's in big trouble.. What's his story gonna be?

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