Chapter 11: 7 Things

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Today we have a concert in Salt Lake City. I got out of my bed and got dressed and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out to the living room and saw I was the only one up.

I Laid down on the couch. I lifted up my shirt and rubbed my stomach. I wasn't feeling so good. Justin walked in rubbing his eyes. Obviously still sleepy. I chuckled and he smiled and came and sat down on the couch I lifted up my feet so he could sit down.

When he sat I put my feet on his lap. He smiled and put his hand on my leg. I felt butterflies in my stomach. His touch gave me a tingle.

I'm not sure how to say this I mean Justin and I are not together. But were not friends with benefits I just I don't even know what we are.

Yeah I mean we will makeout here and there and we always flirt and he will call me babe...but we are not a thing.

"So why are you rubbing your stomach?" he asked

"I'm just not feeling that well."

"Awe Baby I'm sorry..." he pouted

I blushed. Whatever. He's wierd.


"YN! you have to go right foot,left foot step,step,step" The choreographer said

"Uhm no I thought it was Left foot,Right foot,step,step,step!" Justin asked confused

"Ugh come on people get this right!" she sounded frustrated

Damn who pissed in her cornflakes?

It came time that rehearsals were finally over! Thank god!!

I headed to my dressing room and got changed into shorts and a tank top i was really hot and sweaty. Eww.

I walked out of my dressing room and down the hallway to the stage.

"Ok YN let's run through this one time"

"Run through what?" i asked curiously

"We got a super cool way for you to enter the stage tonight!" scooter implied

"Awesome! lets try
It out!"

Kenny walked me under the stage where I was led to a metal platform that was going to rise me onto the stage.

He helped me up and turned it on I slowly rose onto the stage. When I was finally on the stage I shouted.

"Salt Lake City, are you ready to make a night you'll never forget!?" scooter chuckled and started clapping.

"Well done YN, the crowd is gonna love you tonight!" Scooter smiled

"Damn right they will, Or Kenny will beat them up, Right Kenny?"

"Sure thing sis!" he shouted I laughed and walked backstage.

I saw 2 Segway's backstage I saw mine, but then I saw Justin's he wasn't around so I jumped on it and started riding it down the hallways.

As I was cruising down the hallway Justin was walking and saw me.

"Hey YN-" he looked at me sternly "is that my Segway?"

"Yup" I smiled and drove away he ran to get mine and was soon chasing me.

I turned down a hallway and thought I was safe till I saw Justin coming towards me at the other end. I screamed and drove it the opposite direction.

"YN! get back here now!" he shouted like he was my father

"No thanks bro" I chuckled and turned I finally came to a stop and dragged the Segway into a room an closed the door.

I turned around to see Dan practicing so I decided to sit with him.

"YN why do you have Justin's Segway?" he asked strumming his guitar.

"Because I stole it!" I said proudly

"Oh wow!" he laughed

"I know I'm such a rebel!" I laughed and soon enough he joined in.

We were interrupted when the door swung open I saw Justin standing In the door way.

"My baby!" he grabbed his Segway.Dan and I laughed at Justin he was acting like a toddler.

"YN! take your Segway back!" he took off with his Segway. I waved to Dan and hopped on my Segway to find Justin.

I was cruising down the main hallway when I bumped into someone.

"Oh god are you okay?" I asked helping the boy I knocked down,Get back up.

"Yeah I'm-" he cut him self off and then I realized he was looking at me.

"YN?" he asked

" I know you?"
This kid was about 5'7' he had blond hair and blue eyes. He looked maybe 18?

He chuckled "No but I know you,Not in a stalker way though"

I laughed "Ok well who are you?"

"My name is Niall." he brought his hand out for me to shake

"Ohh well it's nice to meet you!" I smiled and shook his hand

"So what brings you here?" I asked

"I'm actually looking for Simon." he assured me

"Wait,Simon Cowell??"

He nodded "that would be him!"

"He's here!?"

"Yeah! he came to check out the concert!!"

"Oh that's cool!"

"Yeah" he laughed

Then my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket an answered it.


"YN! we need you in your dressing room,NOW! you're on in 20!!"

Scooter shouted through my phone I just hung up.

"Sorry I have to go,Ill see you around?"

"Yeah." he smiled then I waved and headed off to my dressing room.

When I got to my dressing room. Kate my wardrobe started throwing clothes at me telling me to put them on.

I grabbed the clothes and put them on. Then Jess started doing my makeup. She finished it off and thru me out the door to go get a microphone.

I walked backstage and received a microphone. I sat backstage waiting for my turn to go on stage. I had just wrote a song about a boy... Lane to be exact but that is a secret.

So stfu and don't tell anybody. I wanted to sing it to my fans tonight and hear their thoughts. I heard the crowd cheer as I saw Justin exit the stage.

I smiled and got up Kenny directed me under the stage to my platform.
I got on it and crouched down. I smiled and decided I was gonna yell exactly what I did earlier.

My platform started rising. I heard thousands of screams. I then saw all the fans I smiled as I finally was set onto the stage.

"Salt Lake City, are you ready to make a night you'll never forget!?"
I shouted into the microphone

All I heard was screams then it quieted down.

"So guys I wrote this new song and I was wondering I you wanted to hear it?"

Screams all over again. I smiled

"Okay,okay well this song is for any of you girls that have had your heartbroken."

"Give it up for 7 things!" I shouted

They screamed and the beat dropped

(So I know the song '7 things' is by Miley but that's a good song so your gonna fucking sing it! Love you!)

After I was done singing it I was really hot and needed a sweat towel. One of my dancers handed a towel to me and I wiped my forehead.

I smiled. and finished the rest of my songs.

"Good night Salt Lake!" I shouted and exited the stage.

When I got backstage I saw scooter standing there clapping.

I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Did you like the song?" I asked

"Yeah! we have to get that song out as a single ASAP!"

"Cool!" I smiled widely

This really has been a good day.... :)

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