Chapter 14: Playing Games

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(2 months later)

This tour is fun and all but it's killing me. I am so tired lately. I have to fake a smile. I guess you could say I'm pretty good at that.

The dreams... It's been the same dream every night...The little girl in the hospital. Room 211. Time of death 10:12. I just don't understand what it means.

Justin and I are distant I mean we talk. But we don't have a 'thing' anymore. He started dating this chick...umm Barbara? yeah I think that's her name.

She a Victoria secret model. She 17 I think i don't know though. She's really pretty. She's nice to some people but she hates me.

Not that I really care like at all. She's just a stuck up person. I know Justin just stays with her because he doesn't want to be single.

"YN!" Scooter shouted

Currently we were in an airport. I was a standing there lost in my thoughts. Justin and Barbie were making out. Saying there goodbyes I guess.

We were taking this tour over to Europe for a couple days. The to Asia. I could not wait to see my mom.

"Ok Justin that is enough we have to go!" Scooter pulled Barbie away from Justin

Justin groaned and kissed her once more before walking to the gate. I dragged my feet and walks slowly to the gate.

Scooter walked past us. We followed him to the private Jet I was first on then scooter,Kenny,Dan, and then Justin.

Everyone else flew on different planes then us. I sighed and put my beats over my ears. I closed my eyes and relaxed while the plane took off into the air.

I woke up to the song 'Melodies' by my babe streaming in my ears. I missed Madison. We haven't talked since I left because we both are way to busy.

I took my beats off. I rubbed my temples. and sighed

"Hey" I felt somebody sit in the seat next to me

I looked over to see Justin.

"What Barbie got tired of texting you?" I spat

"Damn,Who pissed In your cornflakes?"

"You did!" I rolled my eyes and put my beats back on.

Drowning out anybody who tried speaking to me.


I know YN is mad at me. I have no idea why though. Yea I started dating a super model.

But I'm just using her. You see these past couple months YN has been..i don't know she doesn't talk to me. I thought we had a 'Thing' but apparently not?

I miss her. Her touch. Her laugh. The way she but her lip. I miss everything about her. At first I thought we were just Playing Games. But I just think I fell for her...Really Hard.


"YN,wake up" I woke up to scooter shaking me by my shoulders I pulled my beats off and rubbed my eyes.

"are we here?"

"Yeah,Kenny will get your bags. You and Justin are coming with me."

I got up and walked with Scooter. We got off the plane and the light greeted me. It was really warm out I felt the sun seep into my skin.

I smiled and stood still waiting for Scooter to tell me what we were doing.

"Ok so obviously in this airport are many fans waiting so we have a couple of security guards who are going to walk you to the car in front that will take you to a hotel. Ill meet you guys there." Scooter said.

He walked us over to some security guards and we walked through the doors with them. I heard screams and saw flashing lights I couldn't take it. I put my beats on and blasted my music as I walked through the crowd. We made it to the car and I took them off and got into the back seat.

Justin plopped in next to me and the door was shut. He looked at me and I looked out the window. I did not want to talk to him.

"Can we stop playing games?" he asked

"Stop playing games? Justin that's not what were doing" I sighed

"Then what are we doing."

"Nothing. Nothing is going on between us." I looked out the window signaling the conversation was over.


Sucky chapter. I'll probably update again at some point.

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