Chapter 35: Caught

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(1 week later)

I sat down with Dan as we started talking about the schedule for the tour. We were about to resume it since YN was better now.

We started talking about rehearsal schedule. The tv shouted a title that I didn't think id be hearing. I Swiftly turned my head to see.

Breaking News! Hollywood couple J(YN) over!?

"Late Saturday YN was seen hanging out with a new boy, Who is this mystery boy we might all ask? Well his name is Matthew Espinosa, They were seen hanging out at McDonalds, Although they seem a bit more then friends" she winked

"Here are the pictures."

I saw pictures pop up on the screen. YN and Matt seemed to be holding hands. I decided to stop looking so I took the remote and clicked the tv off.

I sighed "What happen to them?" dan asked

"Justin was cheating on her with Cailin" I replied

"What? that does not seem like something he would do!"

"Yeah I don't know"


"Matt!" I yelled

"What?" he said coming up behind me.

"What dress should I wear for the Grammys?" I asked

He smiled then pouted to the silver sparkly strapless.

"Thank you" I smiled

"No problem" he chuckled

Currently we were hanging out in my hotel room. We have grown to be like Best Friends. As for Justin...

Well he's happy..Actually no, he's been hanging out with his friends a lot and getting in quite a bit of trouble.

But I don't really talk to him much anymore. He's kind of an ass. He tried apologizing a couple times but I blew him off.

Now he's like all over the news. I mean just last week he got arrested for a DUI. I don't know but he seriously has changed.

I'm worried for him. I may not be his girlfriend but I am his...Acquaintance? I have no idea I'm not exactly his friend soo....

"YN?" Matt stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I have a question for you." he continued

"Okay what is it?" I asked grabbing all the dresses and putting them in my suitcase.

"Well I know that it's kinda just straight forward. But did you wanna maybe go on a date with me,Tonight?" he asked

Woah..Didn't see that coming...

I smiled "Of course!" I gave him a hug

He smiled widely and hugged back.

I pulled away and chuckled at him because he still had a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Soo want to watch a movie?" he suggested

"Yeah." I replied walking to the main room and switching on the tv


"Chug,Chug,Chug,Chug!" The crowd cheered as I put down my 10th shot glass

I smirked. Then got up. I think I got up a little to fast because I collapsed into the ground. The crowds cheers died as I was in the ground.

I got up "I'm good!" I shouted and the crowd started screaming again.

I walked clumsily to the dance floor with Twist and Za. I found some girls who automatically started grinding on me. I just put my hands up and started dancing to the music.

Who the hell needs a relationship when I have girls begging to get in bed with me!? Yeah that's what I thought..

I found myself being pulled away by Twist he pulled me to the bar again. I at down on the stool and waited for the bartender. A blonde with big boobs came over.

"What can I get you?" she asked

" A tall glass of you" I smirked

She giggled and waved her hand for me to come with her. I followed her to the back storage room. From there we got it on;)

I walked out of the storage room with no shirt and sex hair. Where the fuck did my shirt go? Oh well..

I shrugged and walked back to the dance floor. Then found some girls who wanted to grind. Well ladies it's your lucky night!

"Bizzle!" I heard somebody shout.

I turned to see Za and Twist waving me over I walked away from the chick that was grinding on me. Twist and Za dragged me to the car. We all hopped in.

"What are we doing?" I asked

"Getting high,Dumbfuck." Za replied

Twist pulled out a joint and a lighter he lit it and took a couple inhales. Then passed it to Za. Then it came to me. I inhaled atleast half of it.

"Fuck dude! Not the whole thing!" Twist shouted.

We were all laughing soon enough. I felt relieved nothing else mattered at this moment.

Twist started up the car and we tarted driving to the nearest Mcdonalds. We were almost there when I saw flashing lights behind us.

Oh shit...


Shit! Are they going to get caught!?

Find out in the next chapter✨✨

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