Chapter 4:Life changing

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So today I get to go record my new song it's called 'Baby I' (pretend you wrote it not Ari) I wrote this song when Laine first asked me out. So it is kind of special.

YN: Laine you need to get up

Laine: but I was enjoying my dream

YN: oh really and what was that?

Laine: Well.. I don't know
He chuckled

YN: ok fine but hey if you don't get up you can't come listen to the song I wrote for you.

Laine: Alright I'm getting up
He rushed out of bed

I just laughed and walked downstairs to the kitchen where I saw jay my bodyguard

YN: hey jay!

Jay: YN what's up?

YN: just getting ready to leave for the studio

Jay: Sweet is it alright if I head out? I have a busy day.

YN: yeah thanks for staying the night I smiled then he left


When we got to the studio we parked the car and walked I to the Island Records building to the front desk.

YN: Hey Sheryl

Sheryl: Hey YN your in studio 1b

YN: thanks
I smiled

Then me and Laine walked to the elevator and went to the second floor. Once we found Studio 1b we walked in I saw Madison and Scooter talking.

YN: Madison!!

Madison: YN!!!!
She got up and gave me a hug.

"So Madison is here to help you with the rhythm of your song!" scooter said

"Oh sweet then we should get started" I said walking into the booth with Madison

After we. Found the perfect rhythm I recorded the song.

--Later at home--

When Laine and I got home my parents were there and were arguing when I waked in the door.

YMN: YDN I'm telling you it's not a good idea

YDN: I know honey but-

YN: What's not a good idea?

YMN: Oh sweetie it's nothing of your concern how about you and Laine go up stairs and wash up dinner will be done in a minute

I just nodded and Laine and I went up stairs. After washing up we just laid down for a few minutes I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

YN: what do you think they were talking about?

Laine: It's probably just business stuff

YN: Laine I am their business

Laine: Yeah or it could just be family issues you know

YN: You're right it's probably just nothing.

Laine nodded and then my mom yelled dinner time so Laine and I walked downstairs.


YDN: So Laine how is football going?

Laine: It's pretty good my season is almost over though.

My dad and Laine bonded on one thing...Football You see my parents are your average classy rich people I grew up an only child and was taught that it's either Love or Money. My father always said you can never have both. But look I have Laine and lots of cash. But if it ever came down to it I would pick love. My mom on the other hand is still your classic rich lady she goes to the gym everyday and is my agent so she books all my shows and stuff of course with the help of scooter. She also goes with my father to a dinner every other night they call it 'Resparking the romance' I know it sounds mean but I think if they were truly In love they would not need to 'Respark' anything but I guess I'm only 15 how would I know?

--After dinner--

Laine and I went upstairs and just chilled in my room I went to change into some sweats and a shirt when I came out Laine was laying on my bed I walked across the room when I stopped in my tracks because I could hear yelling.

Laine: Babe what are you-

YN: Shhh
I cut him off so I could listen to their conversation

YDN: YMN! Do you realize what an opportunity this is?

YMN: Do you hear yourself!? We have worked so hard to build this a stable family and your willing to throw it away so easily??

YDN: Yes! we can always build it again!! And this time with more money!!

YMN: What do you think YN will say when you tell her you want to move us halfway across the country for a year!?

OMG my parents want to move!? oh no no no

YDN: I don't care what she thinks she is 15 she has no say in this!

No say?!

YMN: YDN she is not just a regular teenager she is the BIGGEST popstar as of right now you can't just kidnap her and take her to the other side of the country! Everyone will notice her fans will see!!

YDN: Well it's settled we leave tomorrow!

OMG I can't believe this is happening!! I ran to the bed And sat there just shocked Laine wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey your mom will fix this she always does!" he whispered I nodded and just fell asleep in his arms.

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