Chapter 32: He Changed

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"Baby it's cold outside.." I hummed softly while rinsing my hair in the shower.

I turned off the water as soon as my hair was all rinsed. I opened the shower curtain and grabbed the towel hanging on the side bar.

I wrapped it around my body and stepped out of the shower. I walked to the door and twisted the handle opening the door. I felt a cool breeze hit my body.

I walked to the bed that had my suitcase laying on top of it and unzipped my suitcase. I grabbed out a pair of Underwear,A Bra, Shorts, And a crop top.

I dropped my towel and scrambled into my clothes. I then walked out to the main room of the hotel to see Justin laying there. Just watching Tv. I chuckled.

"We need to get going you have a video in a half an hour." I implied

He groaned "Can't we just skip it?"

"No! Are you kidding me! This video had to be up by Monday or your beaners man." I chuckled

"Babe, They are called Beliebers." he replied laughing

"I know I was kidding but for'real leggo!" I grabbed his hand and walked him to the door. I pushed him out in front of me then shut the door behind me. I double checked to make sure I had the card to our room.

We walked to the stairs because Justin didn't want to take the elevator.

We got to the lobby within 6 minutes and walked out the front doors.

"Justin!!!" I heard screams everywhere I saw thousands of girls screaming and whaling then I saw flashes from every direction screaming Justin's name trying for his attention.

I looked at Justin who just slipped on his shades and had an emotionless look on his face. It was like he was immune. I don't even know.

I looked ahead of us and kept walking. We came to the car and I opened the door sliding into the car. Then Justin slid in next to me.

I glanced at him. He still had that emotionless look on his face. Like seeing all the paparazzi sucked the life out of him.

The whole ride was silent. I just looked out the window and thought about what has happened so far today that could make Justin act like this.

I felt the car come to a stop. Justin opened the door and got out I slowly slipped out of the car behind him. We walked inside and scooter smiled at me I smiled and walked to him.

"Sup" he smiled

"Nothing much." I chuckled the I saw Justin

He smiled walking to Cailin. He enveloped her into quite a tight hug. Ok what the fuck!?

Woah..YN calm down..Just chill.

I shook off my anger and looked back at Scooter.

"So this video are there any scenes I won't like?" I asked

"Well there is a kissing scene..." he sighed

I nodded trying to control my rage if anger. This bitch! oh my god she probably begged to be in this video! Just so she could be all up on my man again!

The cameras started rolling minutes later I just sat with scooter in all honesty I was bored. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Matt.

Yeah he gave me his number yesterday on twitter. Through DM of course.

I sent the text then looked back at Justin and Cailin. He was walking through a crowd of dancing bodies while Cailin appeared to be sitting in a car. She got out of the car and Justin pinned her to the car. He started kissing her slowly and passionately.

I looked at them in disgust. I could not take this anymore. I got up and walked away from the set. I was beyond pissed.

Not that Justin was kissing another girl. Because he was showing passion. I know Justin. That was no fake kiss.

I walked to the curb and sat down I looked at my phone to see a text from Matt.

From: Matt

Hai:) do you wanna hang out?

I smiled then quickly replied.

To: Matt

God yes! Meet me at Starbucks in 5:)

I locked my phone then walked back to the car. I asked the driver to take me to Starbucks and I felt the car start up and begin moving.

I leaned back in my seat and waited for arrival.

Minutes later I felt the car stop so I got out and closed the door behind me. I walked to the door of Starbucks and opened it. I saw Matt sitting at one of the tables scrolling down his screen to his phone.

I smiled and walked over to him. He looked up and saw me. He smiled and got out of his chair. He wrapped his arms around me giving me a nice hug.

I smiled and pulled away.

"Wanna order first?" he asked

"Yeah" I smiled

God am I smiling too much?

We walked up to the counter because there was no line and glanced at the menu above us. After a few minutes I spoke up.

"Can I get a Iced Vanilla Latte?"

"Make that 2" Matt added

I chuckled and the cashier nodded typing in the orders.

"That'll be 5.95" she smiled

I started to grab money out of my back pocket but Matt stopped me.

"I got it" he set a 10 dollar bill on the counter.

I smiled. He's too sweet.

Then the lady gave him his change and our drinks. We walked back to a table and sat down.

"So doesn't Justin have a video today?" he asked

"Yeah" I said poking my straw into the ice cold beverage.

"Why aren't you there then?"

I sighed "I was but he was practically sucking the chicks face off and I just couldn't watch."

He nodded "Well I'm sorry, Boys are stupid." he smiled

I chuckled "Yeah I know"

I replied

"Justin will eventually realize how lucky he is to have such a beautiful girl in his life, And if not? Well somebody else will" he gave me a serious look

I blushed like crazy. Wow.

He chuckled. "So anyways..."


I walked into the hotel room plopping down on the couch. I laid down looking at the ceiling. I saw the time was 9:39 wow I was out awhile. I felt queazy all of the sudden.

I rushed to the bathroom. Yup. I'm sick. I heard the hotel door open then shut. Well Justin's back.

I sat up and wiped my face then stood up and waked out of the bathroom and back to the main room. I gasped.


What is it?

Well I guess if you want to find out you'll just have to meet my requests;)

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