Chapter 9: Did you like it?

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I was in wardrobe when YN walked in.

"Um Justin can I talk to you?"
She looked down

"Uh yeah..." I looked at Ryan who nodded and walked out of the room shutting the door

"So what's up?" I sat down

"Uhm You know scooter thought I should tell you so maybe you wouldn't freak out as much..."

"Tell me what?"

"Well we have to share the stage with somebody tonight and she got about 30 minutes of your stage time."

"What!? who!?"




"So let's get this straight not only do I have to share the stage with Selena tonight but she also gets 30 minutes out of MY show time?"

"Mine too"

"So she gets an extra hour!?"

"Yeah... but-"

"No YN you should not be okay with this!"

"I'm not! I am really pissed off but I can't flip on scooter"

"I can't believe this!"

"Justin I-"

"No just...just go I need time"

Then she walked out of the room.
I can't believe Selena is going to be sharing a stage with me tonight! ugh kill me.


As I was walking down the hallway to soundcheck I saw Selena. She came up to me.

"Awe Hi YN how is stealing peoples boyfriends these days?" she asked as I kept walking but then stopped in my tracks and turned around

I rolled my eyes "once again Selena I did not steal your boyfriend!"

"Oh right you just stole my spotlight and got my boyfriend to like you!"

"Ok listen bitch I did not steal your spotlight, I'm sorry I'm more talented than you! and second I did not make your boyfriend like me! He just found me more attractive!"

"Oh please! You more attractive than me?"

"Uhm yeah! Now I'm sorry I'd love to stay and chat but I have more important people to deal with!"

I walked away to soundcheck. Once I got there I saw Justin who came up to me and tried talking.

"Listen YN I'm-"

"Save it! I have a concert in less than an hour an I don't have time to hear your bullshit apology!"

Then I walked to scooter who handed me a microphone and told me to start with any song. So I did.


Justin was on his last song. I was backstage. I felt my palms getting sweaty and my knees started feeling weak. This wasn't my first concert but I did have stage freight.

I know it's crazy you want to be a famous singer and sing infront of a million people but you have stage frieght. Well I just try to loose myself in the music.

I concentrate on the lyrics an their meaning. I heard Justin say goodnight as he closed it out. I was handed a microphone. Justin walked backstage and saw me.

"YN I'm really am s-" I cut him off by kissing him

He seemed taken back but soon started kissing back. I pulled away and walked out on stage and greeted the crowd. I now felt more energetic then ever.

I sung some songs. Than I told the crowd goodnight and exited the stage.
I gave my microphone to some random person and ran to my dressing room.

I changed into some leggings and a hoodie. I walked out of my dressing room and saw scooter we were then quickly greeted with Justin to.

Scooter signaled for Kenny to come over to us. He than told Kenny to escort us to the tour bus so we could get on the road ASAP.

Kenny took us outside and I suddenly saw thousands of flakes and screams from each direction I put my head down and followed Kenny. He brought us to the bus and walked back to the arena.

Once we were inside the bus I sighed and plopped on the couch. Justin sat next to me.


"I know I kissed you, can we forget I did I just really needed an adrenalin rush."

"Yeah totally.Can I just ask you a question?"


"Did you like the kiss?"

"Yeah it was alright..."

"Just alright?"

I chuckled and got off the couch "Goodnight Justin"

"What no you have to tell me!" he followed me

"Goodnight" I closed my bedroom door and laid in my bed

Just thinking. I mean I don't really like Justin. Right? Oh shit... what if I do?

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