Chapter 22: When Shes Gone

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I paced the floor.

"So let me get this straight. There is a ghost-" Madison started but I cut her off

"Demon" I corrected her.

"Ok there is a demon inside YN?" she questioned

"Yes" i paced quicker

"Than where is YN?"

"I have no idea." I put my hand on my face.

I stopped. Rubbing my face.

"Justin maybe we are just dreaming and we will wake up soon and realize this was just a bad dream." she assured


"No it's not a dream! YN is trapped in some foreign fucking demon world, And we are here with a fucking pshyco bitch!" I shouted.

"Ok You're right" she put her hands up in defense. "I just really don't wanna believe that." she sighed

"Well the sooner we get our shit straight the better." I walked out of my hotel room and slammed the door.


I woke up in a metal bed in a concrete room. My head hurt alot. I don't even remember what happened at all.

I heard foot steps and I shot my head in the direction they were coming from.

I saw a women's figure. The women stepped into the light and I gasped...


I heard a knock on the door and walked to the door to be greeted by a very pissed off Justin.

He pushed me aside and walked into the room. I shut the door and turned around to face him.

He was inches from my face when I turned around. He pushed me to the wall violently.

"Listen I know you're not YN. Where is she?" he gritted

"Well wouldn't you like to know." I smirked

"Yeah I would now where is she!?" he shouted

"Let's just say the doctor thought she needed a check up." I chuckled

"Listen Kate! I'm not screwing around where is YN?" he repeated

"I told you she's not in right now."

"If you hurt her I swear to god,Ill kill you!"

"Honey I'm already dead." I laughed

He punched the wall and gave me a death glare. He walked out the door slamming it.

I smirked. Poor baby. He will be heartbroken when shes gone...


Sorry short chapter. I'm really sore from snowboarding all day yesterday. I jumped off of the lift and broke my binding so it kind of sucked. Hhah.

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