Chapter 37: I Miss Us

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I woke up feeling really light headed. I swiftly got up and walked to the sink. I grabbed a glass an placed it under the faucet. I waited for my cup to fill up then I turned the faucet off.

I started drinking my water when I heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. There I saw Scooter. He sighed then walked in.

"Justin's in jail AGAIN!" He implied

"What? Why!" I flipped

"Because he was caught with a pound of Marijuana in Twists car AND a trace of it in his system!" He looked at me then at the ground with a mad face

"Well what's going to happen?" I asked

"WE will go bail him out, Then we will get back on tour ASAP!" He replied

"How's getting back on tour gonna help?" I asked

"Because this time it's no friends,Strictly business and family. So there for Justin will stay out of trouble At least for the remainder of this tour." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Where did I go wrong?" He continued

"Hey..its not your fault, He's just broken.." I sighed

Remembering when I was broken, He helped fix me. This is so wrong I can't just sit here and watch him crash and burn,I have to help. Justin needs me.

"I'm in.." I murmured


Here I sat in a cell. Looking straight at the wall,As if it was something long lost. What is my mom going to say?

I have a feeling it'll go something like.

"Justin Drew Bieber what the hell were you thinking?!" or "I'm disappointed in you."

I would rather her yell at me than to be disappointed in me. I am more immune to yelling.

I fumbled with my fingers when I heard a buzz. I looked to my right and saw an officer at my cell gate.

"You're let out on bail." he said

Sliding the gate open I walked out nervously. After being escorted down a long hall I was sent to the front desk where my mom was.

She looked at me sad. Then started walking away. I chased after her.

"Mom!" I shouted

She turned on her right heel and looked me in the eyes.

"Justin,What were you thinking?" she whispered softly.

"Mom its...its complicated." I looked down

She just glanced at me then turned back around. We started off to the car.

Then we Both got in and pulled away from the police station.


The ride home was silent. When we pulled up to my rental house I jumped out of the car and closed the car door behind me. I stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes before I heard my mom speed away.

My breath hitched I sighed and started walking to the front door. As I came to the front door I stopped and ran my hand through my hair. Here it goes...

I twisted the handle. Then I saw three familiar faces. Scooter. Dan. YN. I back tracked. Wait YN is here?

I looked at my feet "Scooter,Im sorry.."

"Yeah. Me too." he muttered

I gave him a confused look and he shrugged.

"I'm just happy you're okay." YN smiled getting up and embracing me in a warm,comforting hug.

I was a little surprised but then I wrapped my arms around her and leaned on her shoulder.

I took in her amazing scent. I miss her alot...


"Hello?" I heard on the other end of the phone.

"Hey Matt,Its YN."

"Oh heyy"

I sighed "I um have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm...uh..Leaving..For the remainder of my tour...So I kinda have to let you go."

"Oh umm okay..." I heard his voice trail off.

God I feel like such a butch for breaking up with him over the phone but I cant do it in person. That would hurt to much. I honestly don't know why I feel like crying.

I couldn't speak anymore so I just hung up. God! Why am I so stupid!

"YN?" I heard a voice behind me.

I snapped my head in that direction. I saw Justin. Without thinking I smiled and got up I walked to him and gave him a huge hug. I rested my head on his chest and started sobbing.

He rubbed my back. "Shh it's okay.." he whispered

"Jay...." I paused "I miss you...I miss us..."


Well i am sorry I haven't updated. You know school and dances and stuff...Haha.

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