Chapter 30: New Videos

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I woke up to find YN sprawled out on the other side of the bed. Let's just say she's not a big cuddling fan.

I chuckled and leaned up swinging my feet over the bed. I sat there for a second and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my slender phone sitting on the night stand and decided to look at the time.

I pressed the lock screen button and my phone lit up. I glanced at the time. 6:30. I sighed then scrolled through my notifications.

Some were from Twitter. Fans mainly. Some were from Instagram. Then a couple were texts. I slid my finger across my lock screen and a keypad came up.

I typed in the numbers. 0401. YN'S birthday. Haha yeah I accidentally forgot our anniversary so yeah. Shh. Don't tell YN.

I read the first text that popped up. It was from Za.

From: Za

Bro, What do you say we go clubbing tonight?;)

I chuckled and replied.

To: Za

Yeah dude!

I sent it then went back to my other texts.

I saw one from Scooter then Cailin. I sighed and opened Cailin's first.

From: Cailin

Hey baby, Did you hear about our video that we are shooting tomorrow?

I looked away from the screen in disgust and didn't even bother to text back.

I opened scooters text that read.

From: Scooter

We are shooting the Confident video tomorrow! Be there by 1 and make sure you have your act straight for Cailin

I sighed. Yay I get to kiss Cailin tomorrow. Eww I was being sarcastic. Last video I had to kiss her like 70 million times! Because we kept messing up!

I don't really want to tell YN because she hates Cailin. But then again she's my girlfriend and I should be honest with her.

I ran my hand through my hair. Then got up on my feet and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited a few minutes for it to heat up.

I striped my clothes off of my body and walked into the shower. The water hit my body and I felt so much relief. I started singing U Smile softly.


I woke up to a beautiful voice. I slowly peaked my eyes open to see the ceiling of the tour bus. I turned over and saw messed up blankets piled on eachother.

I heard the shower turning off. Justin must be in the shower. Then seconds later I saw him walk out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and another he was using to dry his hair.

I smiled while admiring his abs. He looked up and smirked. Damn he caught me.

"Good morning Beautiful." he smiled

"Morning Sexy." I smirked

He shook his head while chuckling. Oh my God I swear I'm dead.

He walked to the closet grabbed some clothes then walked back to the bathroom. I looked around for a few minutes.

Then I saw my phone screen light up from the corner of my eye. I leaned over and picked my phone up I unlocked the screen and saw I got a message from scooter.

From: Scooter

Hey YN don't forget you have a video filming at 3!

I looked at the time it was 12. Oh I have time!

I texted back quickly.

To: Scooter

Oh yeah who's the boy you guys picked?

Within seconds I got a text back.

From: Scooter

His name is Mathew Espinosa.

Justin walked out of the bathroom. I quickly set my phone down and smiled.

"What was that?" he asked

"Oh Nothing" I smiled

I can't tell him he will get mad and jealous because Mathew is closer to my age and blah blah blah.


So YN is lying to Justin, and Justin's lying to YN? oh shit.

Hope you guys like this!!



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