Chapter 13: 211

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"I miss you too mom!"no switched the phone to my left ear to hold with my shoulder while I purrs a glass of milk

"Ok Hun it's probably really late over there I'll talk you tomorrow I love you."

"Love you too" I hung up and set my phone down while I walked to the couch and drank my milk.

I sat down and chuckled. We were watching Tmz and their stupid freaking lies.

It turned to commercial. I relaxed Justin grabbed my hand and laced our finger together he kissed my hand and I giggled.

I liked being around him. He made my world feel complete. His laugh was adorable. His kiss was heaven. His eyes were so dreamy.

But sometimes I wanted somebody. Somebody who wasn't Justin. Sometimes I just really didn't like Justin! I mean my relationship to him was you know Love,Hate.

I don't think I'm in love. But I think I'm in love with the idea of love.

I then decided I was done with thinking. I needed sleep.

"I'm gonna go to bed"

"Ok night" he smiled

"Night" I walked to my room and got in bed dozing off...


I opened my eyes to find myself in a Hospital? What is going on here?

I saw doctors walking all around. Checking on patients I walked down the hallway when I noticed something that caught my eye. I stopped and looked into the room I saw the same little girl I saw in my dream last time.

She was wear the pink dress. Her long straight brown hair was falling down her back. She was standing next to a bed holding onto an older woman's hand. I looked and saw the women was obviously sick.

I looked at the room she was in room 211. I thought hard on that number. it meant nothing to me.

"Mommy!" she screamed as a larger man pulled her away from the bed.

"Time of death 10:12" the doctor read off

The girl repeatedly kicked and screamed. The man dragged her away and they were gone...


I gasped for air. Why do I keep having these dreams? what do they mean? There are two big things that I remember from this dream Room 211 and Time of death,10:12....


Short chapter sorry.

I know I'm updating a lot but it's because I'll be going back to school in awhile and don't know if I'll be able to update everyday. So hopefully this works! oh and thank you for 1000 views!!! You guys are amazing!

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