Chapter 1

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A/N: This story is the first one I ever wrote here on wattpad, and although it's edited you're gonna have to give it a few chapters for it to actually become good lmao. Regardless don't forget to vote comment and most importantly enjoy!


You know what's nice? It's nice when you're half sleeping in your bunk knowing you still have half an hour to just lie there with your eyes closed doing nothing before you start a day that just can't go wrong. 

But you know what's not nice?

It's not nice when you're pulled out of your bunk so hard that you end up on the floor face first. 

Not nice at all!

I groaned in pain and shifted on the ground. 

I heard silent giggles and then laughter. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know it was the guys. Well who else could it be I was with them on this bus after all. James was the first one to burst out laughing followed by Ben who's head popped out of no where. Soon Cam's and Sam's heads popped out too, and before I even considered getting of the floor James jumped over me running out of the bunk area laughing his ass off.

"Happy one year in the band Denis!" I heard Cam, Sam and Ben shout running after James leaving me on the floor. 

"Fuck you guys!" I yelled after them shifting back to my stomach and burying my head in my hands.

I knew then and there that this day's gonna be full of pranks. I also knew the guys and oh yeah, there will be pain. 

I shivered and got up off the floor rushing out of the bunk area after the guys.

Cameron was sitting on the couch with newspapers in his hands. Sam was at the table with a cup of coffee and Ben and James were FBI-ing the fridge. 

I knew too well they were all pretending to be 'normal', but actually waiting for something to happen. I looked around before making a step towards them.

I fucking regretted it then and there. The floor in front of me was covered in who knows what, and as soon as my bear foot touched the ground it slipped to the side and I fell to the ground face first second time in just 5 minutes. 

The room exploded with laughter and even tho I was in such a shit position, I couldn't help but smile. My smile was miserable, but seeing the guys so happy made me happy... Even tho they were laughing at me.

"You enjoy torturing me too much!" I wined. 

I tried to stand up but I slipped again. "Guys!" I started laughing at myself. "What the fuck is this shit?"

My wining caused another wave of laughter until thankfully Cameron stopped it all. 

"Alright, alright guys help him up. Help him up." He said throwing the newspapers to the side and coming up to me.

They all got me making sure we don't all slip on whatever the fuckers put on the floor and helped me to the middle of the room, away from the shit on the floor. 

"You really had to throw me off of the bunk?" I complained again. "You know I could've hit my head or something."

"Yeah James doesn't do the thinking very often. Big head, no brain, y'know." Ben joked causing us all to laugh. 

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna take a shower." I announced, and they all looked away hiding their smiles that were about to break into hysterics. "Guys!" I watched them. Ben was the first to crack up.

"This is not fair! There's four of you and only one of me!" I screamed and griped Ben's hand pulling him off the couch heading towards the bathroom. 

"So you're planing on taking a shower with me?" Ben smirked and winked at me.

"Oh shut up!" I snapped too well aware of the blush that was climbing around my cheeks. 

Ben leaned towards the guys on the couch and looked at them placing his hand on the corner of his mouth.

"Guys, I'm gonna see his dick!" He whisper yelled pretending like I shouldn't be able to hear him. 

My face was burning now, and I let go of Ben's hand causing him to stumble backwards, laughing of course along with the others.

"Fine then!" I shot at them. "I'm gonna see for myself!"

I run to the bathroom, of course regretting it. I tripped over some kind of rope that was tied to the wall and to the door. The door came right back at me slamming me in the back causing me to roll over to the bathroom floor which was covered in water, ice and bubbles.

My bear skin was screaming. God dammit! It was so cold! 

"I'm gonna fucking kill you guys!" I yelled and the door instantly opened.

Ben jumped in front of me with his phone taking pictures like his life depended on it while Sam was literally rolling on the floor of laughter and James and Cameron were barely standing. 

"This is going on Instagram!" I heard Ben yell while running away.

"Come back here!" I stood up ignoring my body shaking planning on going after Ben. 

James shot the bathroom door in my face and they all run away.

Oh well then. I'm gonna get the back when I take a hot shower and get dressed.

"You guys suck!" I announced walking in the living room once again. But this time fully dressed. 

"Happy 1 year in the band Denis." Sam said. But this time they didn't laugh, and I smiled.

I opened my mouth to say something but Ben was faster. "Yeah, today's show is gonna be special." Ben added with a smirk, and a shiver went down my spine.

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