Chapter 25

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I have to admit, the ceiling becomes really interesting when you have a lot of stuff you don't want to think about, to think about. I've been lying on the bed just staring up for like an hour now.

'Be prepared. You're leaving soon.

Danny's words matched the texts exactly.

That had to mean something. I couldn't afford to just deny all my suspicions again. I don't have time for that. I don't have time to overthink, I don't have time for anything. 

I mean, I don't even know if he's gonna act... But maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe he just knows something I don't.

No, I'm not gonna deny it because I don't wanna accept it. 

I'm not doing it again. That kind of attitude led to a lot of bad things in my life.

I turned to the side ripping my gaze away from the ceiling trying to get my thoughts together and figure out my next move, but as usual I had no idea of what to do. 

Suddenly there was a sharp knock on the door and it made me jump to my feet. Considering the situation literally everything made me paranoid. I just stood there waiting who's voice I'm gonna hear, but there was no voice only the repeated knocking.

Are you kidding me?

I stayed quiet hoping whoever that was will go away. It wasn't Ben. He would've yelled by now. I highly doubt Cameron would want to talk to me right now, James probably got caught up somewhere with girls that are always all over him for some fucking reason and Sam is probably with Cam.

However, nether of them would've been quiet. They would've all repeatedly yell my name until I opened the goddamn door. 

But now, there was just knocking. It repeated again and again... until it stopped.

My body went tense when I registered that the knocking was actually replaced by a squeaky vibrating noise that echoed from inside of the door. 

I'm pretty sure I wasn't even breathing by now. The door suddenly started to slowly open and I stared at the sight wondering how I already wasn't dead from the amount of fear that was stirring my blood right now.

The door didn't even get to half open I already turned around and ran to the bathroom as quiet as I could locking myself in there. 

I could hear footsteps roaming around my hotel room. They were quiet, and light. They moved with a touch of grace I could tell. Those footsteps were rather familiar.

They moved around my room for quite a while, but then I could sense them coming closer. I stiffened. 

Whoever this was, they couldn't open the bathroom door, right? But, they weren't supposed to be able to open the room door in the first place ether.

I heard the similar noise of something tugging in the door and the white door before me flew open. 

My first instinct was to close my eyes, but I opened them as soon as a small hand grabbed my shirt. Then I closed them again as that same hand strongly pulled me out of the bathroom and slammed me into the wall next to the door.

When I finally dared to open my eyes a redhead girl fell into my view. She had pale skin and blood red lipstick. Her hair was a bloody shade of red, the same as he lipstick. She was dressed in black, and shorter and thinner then me. 

And then there was me-scared.

"You need to leave." She spoke. Her voice sounded so well controlled, but I still managed to recognize it. 

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