Chapter 15

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I was awoken by someone lightly shaking me.

"Den-Den." Someone whispered and it didn't take me long to realize it was Ben. 

I mean if it was any of the other guys they would've threw me off of the bed. And Ben would've done that once. But now his affection towards me was nothing but suite and loving. I liked that change. I liked it a lot, but not wanting to actually wake up I just groaned and shifted to the other side.

"Denis, I need you awake right now!" He whisper yelled but I could practically hear the smile behind his words. 

But I did as he told me. Last time he woke me up we ended up running to Vegas, and although I was kinda skeptical towards that idea at first we ended up having a great time.

"Yeah?" I muttered with my eyes still closed but I lied on my back so when I open my eyes Ben will be the first thing I see. 

"I've been thinking..." Ben started and I smiled what I think was towards him because my eyes were still closed.

"You've been thinking? That's not a good sign." I pointed out and then laughed. 

"Shut up!" He snapped but there wasn't any kind of harsh ton it was all playfulness.

I opened my eyes and a smiling Ben fell into my view. I couldn't have woken up to a better situation so I smiled too. 

"No, I mean... I... like..." Ben stuttered. He was nervous? Wow, that's new.

"I want to take you out on like a date." He took a deep breath and blurred out that sentence. 

I was suddenly wide awake.

Was he...

I looked at him with my eyes wide.

"I thought it would be kinda romantic." He said while he still ha confidence. 

"Romantic?" I blinked.

Was he serious right now?

His face then fell. "No, forget it... I was..."

"No, no, Ben!" I said quickly and grabbed his hand. "That would be great! You just kinda took me off guard."

His face was then lightened up by a wide grin. "I mean, yeah. I do have that unpredictable effect, y'know."

I rolled my eyes. "Mhm, whatever. So what do you have in mind?"

"Leave that to me." He smirked. "And be sure to disappear after the show tonight and meet me behind the venue we're playing in, right?"

"Right." I clicked my tongue, Ben then winked and left leaving me thinking about what could he possibly have planed out for us tonight. 

I was practically flying through the bunk area trying to find my clothes and getting ready in the bathroom. It's 2 pm and the show is at 9 pm so Ben and I will probably manage to escape around 10.30 pm. Well that's a lot of hours to pass.

It didn't stop me from being all up in the clouds though. 

But, unfortunately my mood was killed when I exited the bunk area.

James was at the table with a beer in his hand, two empty and two full bottles besides him. 

Sam was sitting next to James drinking from the same bottle as James as they were passing it to each other. Then there was Cameron sitting on the couch with his arms crossed keeping his distance from Danny who made himself comfortable on the sofa next to Cam drinking beer too. Ben was no where to be seen. Thank God.

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