Chapter 12

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~smut warning~


I felt a gentle touch on my chest and it sent chills across my skin. I groaned in half sleep and tried shifting to the other side but I couldn't. Something was holding me down in this position.

Well actually someone. When I opened my eyes they met Ben's. 

"Morning, beautiful." He moaned into my bear chest.

"Ben, what are you doing?" I asked suddenly awake. 

"Nothing." Ben moaned again moving down kissing my skin and lightly sucking on my nipples.

My breath got caught up in my lungs and I bit my lip. Fuck, this was turning me on. 

I saw Ben hide a smirk... of course the bastard knew it.

He slowly moved lower and lower until he got to my boxers. He played with their line for a while, and yeah I know I didn't want things to go to far but I was already painfully hard. 

Ben's hand slipped into my boxers without a warning and I tensed. He palmed me slowly kinda teasing me.

I tried to keep my breathing even but then his hand picked up some speed. 

I was already a mess when Ben decided to slip my boxers off. His tongue ran across my tip and I moaned rather loudly. I could practically hear the bastard smirk.

"Don't tease." I breathed out but Ben just smirked again and teased me some more. 

I gripped the covers around me and clenched my teeth.

What is he doing to me, oh my god...

But then he took me all in at once just like that without a warning. 

I almost screamed in pleasure. He knew exactly where to move his tongue and it felt so goddamn good! 

I wonder where he learned it? I pushed that thought away as Ben moved his mouth up and down. He went from my tip, swinging his tongue around it, all the was down until I hit his throat.

Ben was doing such a good job and I on the other hand was a moaning mess up there on the bed. I tried to keep my moans quiet but I was almost screaming gripping the covers like I was in pain. 

Ben was just so good. It's like he knew exactly what would make me feel good and went for it.

Dusty never cared how I felt. He would often hurt me as long as he's good. 

I pushed that thought away as I felt the familiar feeling in my stomach.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned almost screaming again. "Ben..." I tried to say I was gonna cum but I already did. 

Ben swallowed it all and looked at me with a grin across his face while I just laid on the bed covered in sweat practically seeing stars.

It wasn't the thing here that I've never gotten a blowjob. I did, a lot of them. It was the fact that this was Ben. 

"I didn't know you were a screamer!" Ben exclaimed smirking.

"Oh shut up!" I breathed out and Ben laughed. 

"Rest bad boy, we're going out soon." He said and went straight to the bathroom.

Oh, fuck... What in the holy hell is this guy doing to me?!

I laid on the bed for a while. I heard water running so Ben is probably taking a shower. He takes showers like for half and hour so I had some time to get my shit back together. My phone rang and I just answered without looking who's calling.

I was in a too good mood to be careful at any level right now. 

"Fucking finally!" Someone yelled in my ear. "Where the fuck are you two little fuckers?!"

"He answered?" I heard a voice in the background and I realized Cameron was yelling at me and the one in the background was Sam. 

Oh, great.

"Chill." I said more to myself then Cameron. I tried to remain calm, but I couldn't help it whenever Cameron was mad, like really mad, I would get this feeling that's not quite fear but something fairly close even tho I knew very well he wouldn't hurt me.

"Chill? Chill? Chill?!" He yelled even louder and I frowned. "You and Ben just fucking disappeared and left us only a note: 'We're be back for the tour don't worry, don't call.' Like are you fucking kidding me?! I've been calling Ben all day yesterday and he wasn't answering, your phone was off for some fucking reason. Sam is mad as fuck, and James is considering not talking to you two ever again!"

"I'm pretty sure I'll be joining in with James!" I heard from the background. 

"Jeez, we only wanted a little alone time. Ben is stressed out, I am kinda too. I mean the tour..."

"Alone time?!" Sam yelled but Cameron continued: "You think you two are the only ones stressed out?! We were all best friends with Danny not just Ben! We're a team and we have to stick together! You can't just walk out because you're annoyed with how we want to handle the situation. You're acting like kids."

Yeah, but there's a difference between a team and a significant other, I wanted to yell but I stayed silent.

Then Ben cane out of the bathroom. He obviously heard me talking because he gave me the look: 'what's going on?'.

I just passed him the phone whispering: 'Cam.'

"Oh hey Cam!" Ben said casually and then quickly moved the phone from his ear with a frown when Cameron started yelling. 

"I don't care where you are nor with who you are!" Even with the phone held out in the air we could both still hear Cam's yelling. "You're coming back to the bus right now."

"You know we can't do that. We're in Vegas." Ben said putting Cam on the speaker. 

"You're in what?!" Sam snapped from the background.

I looked at Ben shaking my head. "We'll be home by tonight if you don't kill us when we get there." I said and Ben looked at me shaking his head. "Please?" I added talking to Ben and to Cameron at the same time.

"I don't promise anything." Cameron said in a bitchy ton and hung up. 

As soon as the line was off Ben dropped my phone on the bed and crossed his arms.

"Denis, this was supposed to be our day!" He wined. 

"We can still have our day once we get back to the guys." I said surprising myself. "I mean, the tour starts tomorrow. With Danny and MMF here we really don't need the guys to be pissed at us. And Cameron is pissed. Sam too, and James is thinking about giving us the silent treatment. We have to go back and make up before tomorrow."

Ben's shoulders dropped but I knew he agreed. 

"You're right." He said. "Let's go."

We picked up our things and left the hotel, got on a plane and after what seemed like ages we were back in front of our tour bus. 

"Ready to enter Hell?" Ben joked.

"I was born ready." I laughed but once Ben let go of my hand and opened the door it felt like I was dying. 

Because tomorrow I'll have to fave Dusty again and no matter how much I convince myself he's not gonna risk it I can't be sure.

It's never for sure with Dusty.

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