Chapter 4

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I was lying in my bunk all day. The words 'Leave Asking Alexandria' were floating around my head and I was unable to focus on anything. 

Cameron woke up just before the show saying he can't remember anything so the guys bought my story.

During the show I was so off. The guys noticed but hopefully the fans didn't. 

The guys thought I was just having one of my phases again. I wish it was that. Then I would just go out, get wasted and all my problems would be gone.

But this. I can get drunk but this will stay. It could just be any hater but would they really go this far. I mean kidnapping Cameron and drugging him. That's seriously messed up. 

I sighed and shifted in my bunk. 

The curtains of my bunk slowly opened. "Hey Den-Den, gonna go to the bar with us?" Cam. He sounded worried.

I really didn't want them to worry but with everything I wasn't up to that. "Sorry, I'm not feeling it tonight." I said. 

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just need to sleep it off." I said and Cameron nodded leaving. 

Once the guys were out I really tried falling asleep. It was an hour or so since they left when I heard footsteps. They were too careful to be one of the guys. They would've walked in stomping and crashing everything, turning on all the lights and stuff.

This was like whoever was on the bus didn't want to leave an effect that he was on the bus. 

My phone buzzed and I unlocked it revealing a new text from that number.

'Leave Asking Alexandria.'


'Why?' I replayed. 

'You don't belong there.'

Not true. I wanted to say. But I jumped out of my bunk and carefully walked to the kitchen grabbing the first knife I could find. 

I was well aware I would stab myself before anyone else but I could't go unarmed.

I heard footsteps again and I turned around. 


There it was again, and I jumped to the other side.


Then the door flew open and were shot closed. 

I jumped and ran to the other side of the kitchen placing the knife on the table when my phone vibrated.

'I see you.'

'Turn around.'

My breath got caught up in my lungs and I felt sick but I did slowly turn around to face the window. 

I had to press my hand onto my mouth and bite it so I don't scream.

There was a man standing there. A huge man. Even with a knife I would't have any chances if he wanted to hurt me. And that's without considering my fighting skills that were like zero.
He had a mask across his eyes and a huge black coat that hid who knows what. 

'Leave.' My phone buzzed again.

'Why? Who are you?'

'You should run.' A shiver went down my spine.


'While you still can.'

When I looked up to the window again, the man in the coat was staring dead into me. The corners of his lips raised up slightly making his lips tug into a creepy half smile. 

Then he disappeared in the dark in front of my eyes.

I took a step back from the sudden nothingness in front of me. 

I crashed into the table behind me and turned around running towards the door. I couldn't stay in here. I have to get to the bar. My breathing was already painfully uneven and my heart was already threatening to jump out through my throat and even though I wasn't sure if I'll survive going outside where he was, I had to get out of here.

Before I even got the chance to open the door they opened and ran into someone. I closed my eyes that were already filling with tears thinking it was him. I clenched my teeth and bit the inside of my cheek trying to contain my fear. 

Hands. But... But soft and familiar hands got me.

"Denis?" I opened my eyes to the sound of a familiar voice letting the big hot tears run down my face as they met Ben's blue ones. 

His eyes were filled with worry, and I tried getting my shit back together.

I started wiping away my tears. "Weren't you at the bar with..." but my voice betrayed me by cracking and sobs escaped my mouth. 

I was still wiping my eyes trying to act it out but Ben got my hands and moved them away from my face.

"Denis, what's wrong?" He asked me his blue eyes staring into my soul. 

"Nothing." I answered and tried to smile but I just chocked on my own breath and more tears escaped my eyes.

I was well aware of how pathetic this was but this wasn't regular fear. This was fear that was eating me alive. It was like I knew this will happen again. And the thought that nothing happened to me but Cameron got kidnapped was making me go insane. It was like what if whoever was doing this goes after the guys. I can handle if something happens to me... Well not really, but I could live with myself if something happened to me, but I could't if something happened to Sam, James, Cameron or Ben. 

"Cut the bullshit!" Ben said harshly and I flinched. "You're obviously not okay." He said his voice softening. "Tell me."

In that very moment I felt like I would. I thought that I would. And I wanted to, but then my gaze drifted to the window. The man was still there. 

He shook his head 'no' and I chocked on my own breath once more stopping myself from speaking.

"It's fine." I said pulling my hands away from Ben's and walking to the bunk area. 

I was aware he was following me but I couldn't look at him.

What if I tell him and he gets hurt because of it. 

I stripped to my boxers and climbed to my bunk hoping Ben will just ignore me.

I heard him sigh and a minute later he was in my bunk. 

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly trying to keep my gaze on his face considering he was now only in his boxers too.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He answered me with a question and slid next to me putting his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

Was he spooning me?

My face was burning. It's not like I've never done this before. I'm doing it with Cameron all the time but it was never for the night and we weren't only in our boxers. And Cam and I were as close as Ben and James.

"Ben?" I asked not exactly sure why. 

"What?" He snapped looking at me.

"Why are you...?"

"You're upset." He said moving my hair from my eyes.

Fuck, I was blushing so hard. 

"And you won't tell me..." There was anger in his voice but he stopped himself. "It's not important." He choose instead and sighed hugging me tightly. "Sleep."

I rested my head on Ben's chest listening to his heartbeats and soon found myself drifting to sleep.

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