Chapter 38

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"Dusty, come home... I... I... There was someone... And I just... It's..." I stuttered making my voice shake as I gripped the phone in my hand hoping Dusty will buy it.

I absolutely hated using my anxiety as an excuse or an alibi, but in situations like these it was just necessary. 

I just left Dusty at that restaurant for an hour straight and if I don't come up with the greatest excuse the history of excuses has ever fucking seen I'm fucked.

"Wait, what? Where are you?" Dusty asked sounding somewhere in between pissed and worried. 

"I don't know..." I whispered looking around.

Apparently New York City was one of the safest cities in the world because apparently there was a cop on every angle. I still haven't stumbled upon one and I hope my sudden luck won't decide to leave me. 

"Denis what happened? I'm outside right now. Could you tell me what you see?" Dusty said worry totally occupying his voice.

"Well, it's dark, and there are buildings." I made sure my voice shook while I spoke. "Listen, I'm sorry, but there was someone and he made me go out with him. He said something about knowing who I was..." I hated myself so much, but I had to give him a reason why not to announce to the public of me rejoining MMF anytime soon. "I managed to escape, tho. I'll try to find you. Are you somewhere near Webster Hall?" 

"Yes... Do you remember how the guy looked like?" I could hear the hidden violence in his voice and I wondered would he really go after someone who hurt me. I guess he'd have to go after himself first then.

"No, not really. He had a hoodie and sunglasses." I lied moving back towards Webster Hall. 

I messed my hair again making sure it's all across my face again as I entered the crowd of people that were coming out of the huge venue. I looked down and walked straight forward bumping into people, but slipping out of their sight before they could even consider reacting to it.

Finally I was behind the venue and all I had to do was cross that street and slip into the next one and there I'll find Dusty. It would all go great, if the back door of the venue haven't opened the very second my foot exited the shadows and I stepped on a fully lightened up street with only two ways out. The one in front of me and the one behind me. 

It was too late to head towards either of them when I realized who fucking opened that back door.

The first one to fall into my view was Sam. Then I spotted James who was tightly gripping onto Cameron who he tried to get his hands on Sam who looked furious. 

"Are you fucking crazy?! Do you have any idea what you just did out there?!" Danny yelled standing behind Sam.

"Of course I do! I told the truth!" Cameron growled and I can swear right now I've never seen him this angry. 

"Are you fucking hearing yourself you fucking twat?!" Sam yelled this time and James tightened his grip around Cameron who dead started Sam and Danny. "You're just blinded because you're fucking in love with the fucker!" Sam screamed.

Although I was well aware they were talking about me I didn't let it get to me. They probably didn't mean half of the shit they were saying. My heart ached because they were so aggressive towards each other. 

"Cameron, for fuck's sake!" James hissed as Cam tried to get out of his grip.

"Let me go James!" He insisted pushing forward towards Sam. I swear I've never seen him lose his shit like that. Ever. There was something seriously wrong and the problem didn't appear recently. It was something that was slowly building up inside of him for who knows how long. "Let me fucking kill him!" He screamed, But James turned him away from Sam who wasn't attacking, but there was clear fury on his face.

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