Chapter 8

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I was sitting in front of the tour bus just looking into the sky that was slowly catching a deep blue color. The show is in less than an hour and I needed some alone time to think. Yes, it was all cool with the guys again but the texts still bothered me. 

The last one I got said: 'Aww so cool you're getting along with your little friends again. Too bad if anything happened to them, right?'

My thoughts were once again flying in all directions, and jumping to all kinds of solutions. And all these solutions seemed so useless.

The bus door opened and Ben jumped out. 

As soon as he spotted me he sat besides me. Great. This is gonna be totally not awkward at all.

"Hey" he said and looked at me with a small smile. 

"Hey?" I said back although it sounded more like a question.

"Sam told me... what I missed." Ben said casually. 

"Oh." Was the only thing I managed to get out.

We glared at each other for a while then Ben punched me in the shoulder rather hardly. 

"What was that for?" I complained greeting my teeth and rubbing my shoulder trying to make the pain go away.

"For not telling me you asshole!" He yelled but a smile played on his lips. 

"Is everything a joke to you Ben?!" I said not really sure where that was coming from. "From making out with me to telling me I'm like Danny just a few hours later?"

His face went serious, and although I wanted to say what I said I regretted it already. 

He let out a sigh and then spoke. "I'm sorry Denis. You're not like Danny not even a little bit, and I regret saying that. Like a lot. I was just mad, I didn't understand you... Like you were totally ignoring us all. It's hard just watching you slip away like that. I saw you drifting away and the thought I won't be able to help you just overwhelmed me because you weren't saying anything. I would've been somewhere if only I knew about your anxiety." He sighed again and this time looked at me. "Denis, I care about you man. But you know how I get when I'm mad. You shouldn't even listen to me when I'm mad. Then I literally try to find the most hurtful thing I could say. I regret it that very moment but I'm to mad to care about your feelings or mine too."

I was generally taken back by what he said, I opened my mouth to say something but he continued. 

"You have to know that Danny was once my best friend just like you, but believe me I was never ever happier than now. And it's because of you. You made the band better, you gave us excitement to be on the stage again and you made us all close again. Just when I'm mad..." He stopped for a second and I could see a spark lit up his eyes as he came up with an idea. "When I'm mad just get duck tape and stick a sock into my mouth so I can't talk, yeah?"

We both laughed at that and I was comfortable once again. 

"We have a deal my friend." I said and Ben's face lit up as he laughed.

"Thank God! And now please can we cut this sentimental bullshit?" He wined. 

"Back to usual!" I said and shrugged.

Then we just sat in silence for a while until Ben broke it. 

"I am a pretty good kisser though, right?" He burst out suddenly and unready as I was a deep blush took over my face.

"Aww, I've been dying to see that cute blush again!" Ben moaned with a smile which only made me blush harder. 

Luckily James saved me. He opened the door and called us in to get ready for the show.

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