Chapter 49

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Lucky for him Danny ended up actually saying the truth for once as he didn't fuck us over. He lead us straight to the police and surrendered himself to them saying that my accusations towards Dusty are all true. 

Maybe there was some good in him after all. I didn't care anymore though. Currently, I was sitting in a hallway at the police station with James, Cam, Sam and Ben. We were all here in one piece and it was over. 

Dusty was captured and sentenced to many years in prison, the majority of the Night People are captured too and the police is gonna take care of stopping the rest of them if they'll even dare to continue without their leader.

I had no idea why they were still keeping us here, but I didn't care. None of us did anything wrong and they'll have to let us go sooner or later. 

"You know Denis, if you were to tell me right away all the details about the Night People, I would've figured it out." Cameron said in his usual knows-it-all tone and I just gave him the look not even bothering to answer.

I didn't have to tho, because Ben did it instead of me. "You're literally not that smart Cam." He said. 

"You're actually walking the line between a genius and an idiot and you're slowly crossing over to into the idiot zone." James added.

"Trust him, Cam. He would know considering he's waiting for you in the idiot zone." Ben laughed seeming a bit too proud of his comments. 

"Shut up! All of you! You're literally not funny!" Sam complained.

"Aww, Sammy... Is the little guy hangover from a bit of sugar an caffeine?" Ben laughed and messed Sam's hair. 

"Oh, please..." Sam pushed Ben's hand away from him. "Plus, you can fucking tell Cam is smarter than you too together."

Cameron crossed his hands on his chest proudly. "Thank you Sam."

"Oh, shut up!" Sam snapped at Cameron too. "I'm not defending you, I'm just not agreeing with them."

That's the point where I finally let myself laugh although the pain. "You're acting like children." I told them all. 

"Don't act like you're not one of us..." James told me.

"Oh, I totally am. I'm just not man-child, like you guys." I told James. 

"No, not at all!" Ben exclaimed sarcastically. "You're making me watch The Noted..." Ben started, but I didn't let him finish as I pushed my hand across his mouth.

If the guys hear I wanted to watch The Notebook, although I didn't, I'll never hear the end of it. Luckily, before any of them could comment a police officer walked up to us. 

"I have to apologize for keeping you here for so long, but I think you'll be glad when you see the reason." He spoke looking at me.

I stood up, Ben standing up right after me followed by the others. 

"See the reason?" I asked and before the officer could replay, a girl with half black and half red hair walked up to us.

"Guess who's back?!" Ashley yelled not even remotely caring where she was. 

I was stunned for quite a second, I don't even know what I was expecting, but it for sure wasn't her.

When I snapped myself out of it I walked up to her as fast as my body allowed me and threw myself at her. 

She hugged me back, but she was careful as hell. Careful to the point where I could easily say she was barely touching me.

"I told you everything's gonna be okay if you take action." She told me. 

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