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The 3 week make up tour went incredibly well, but as incredibly fast too. The fans were excited and they gave everything they had in them every night which made this whole tour unrealistically easier for me. It wasn't just whatever getting back onto that stage after everything that had happened, but the fans really made me feel like home and I couldn't be more thankful for that. I tried to do my best to interact with them and although my anxiety was still pretty bad, I at least think, I managed to make everyone feel comfortable at the meet & greets. 

They apparently appreciated our honesty very much and we had a quite unique bond with them now. It almost hurt when the tour was over, but no matter how much I loved the lasting of it, I craved alone time with Ben. But then again, when you think about it, when didn't I?
Speaking of Ben... Something soft and slightly wet slid down my neck and I let out a soft groan as I was suddenly shook out of my half sleep. 

"Ben... Oh my God, what are you doing?" I muttered in a raspy voice as I felt his fingers run down my bare skin.

"Shhh..." He whispered in my ear softly kissing my jawline. 

"But the guys..."

"The guys..." Ben said his voice soft and smoothing almost hypnotic. "...are not here."

His hand moved up and down my chest and stomach purposely brushing against my nipples each time. 

My hands automatically went up to his back as I realized he was practically laying on me. My hands touched his warm skin and my eyes flew open as a rush of excitement lit up my nerves. 

I met Ben's crystal blue eyes looking down at me. They radiated with love and just by looking back at him my heart rate sped up. I got that overwhelming feeling that I never knew how to explain and which made 'I love you' sound like fucking nothing.

Although Ben was smiling down at me, he didn't have to. His eyes said it all and I hope he was thinking the same about me. 

His lips eventually came down to meet mine and even before they even touched my eyelids fell shut.

It was ridiculous how, still, after all this time, just a simple kiss from him could make my stomach erupt with butterflies. 

Ben slowly turned the soft kiss into a deep one and from there we went into a passionate one.

He groaned into the kiss and the noises he was making turned me on. Not to mention he was crashing our hips together. I think I was already hard. 

But as sudden a he started going onto me he move off of me. I tried to pull him back down, but before I could grab onto him hard enough to make him lose balance he was already on his feet.

"Rise and shine horny boy." He flashed me a smile. 

"Oh come on, don't leave me hanging!" I whined shifting and burying my head in the pillows as his warmth left me.

"James went back to Texas, Cam flew out to London last night and I made sure to lock all the doors and windows so Sam can't get in." Ben told me. "We have plenty of time to get back to this."

With that he left the room.

I groaned in annoyance as I rolled around the bed not wanting to get up. 

I eventually did get up though, and as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff, it took everything in me not to get rid of my boner old school and moan really loudly just to get Ben in here, but I controlled myself.

I threw on a shirt not even bothering with pants knowing it will all come off real soon, and walked to the living room. 

I dropped down onto the huge couch along the wall as Ben walked up to me with a cup of tea.

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