Chapter 23

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"Cam are you gonna explain to me what your problem is?!" I woke up to the sound of Ben's angry voice.

"My problem is you!" Cameron spat and just from the tone of his voice I could tell he was beyond pissed.

"Oh really? And what irritates your Majesty so much? I would love to hear all about it but excuse me while I don't care!" Ben locked the conversation storming out of the bunk area.

I shifted in Ben's bunk realizing the sheets were clean and that I was in my boxers. Wow, Ben moves fast. 

I heard Cam sigh. It was a long, painful sigh. My heart ached for him. Why would he snap at Ben like that? There was something seriously bothering him. I had to get him to talk to me.

I slowly got out of Ben's bunk as my body still ached from last night and slipped on one of my oversize tees and the first clean pair of jeans I found approaching him. 

"What's wrong?" I asked taking him by surprise as his eyes grew wide.

He shook his head. "N-nothing." He stuttered. 

I rolled my eyes putting my hand to my hip and started tapping my foot against the floor. I lifted one finger in the air, obviously counting to three while Cameron looked at me in disbelief.

"Are you seriously doing this right now?" He asked.

"Yup. Two." I popped out the 'p', raising my second finger in the air, giving him the 'I'm waiting' smile.

On Warped tour Cameron and I used to hang out the most. The guys thought we were dating for quite some time, but actually we were just best friends on level that acted all gay and stuff around each other. Even more then the Asking Alexandria rules went as James liked to say. 

We said if one of us reaches the point where we put our had to the hip and start tapping our feet against the ground counting to three the other one has to do whatever that one says. Because apparently you can't get any gayer than that.

Don't ask how we got to that, we were both wasted. It was my first time ever to drink with the guys. It obviously went great.

"Three." I finished smiling at Cameron with my eyebrows up while he just stared at me.

"Denis, that was so gay." Cameron breathed out. 

"Yeah tell me about it." I clicked my tongue almost laughing. If only he knew. "Still not as gay as you." I said making him laugh. "Spill."

"I'm not telling you anything here." He said though. 

"Okay, you wanna go to the restaurant or a bar?" I didn't leave room for him to catch me unprepared.

"Fine!" He sighed. "Just give me 10 minutes." 

"If you're not ready in 10 minutes I'm coming for ya with a bat." I threatened and he laughed again.

God, I missed his laugh. It's painful when you practically live with your best friend and he's constantly avoiding you, he's not talking to you and you don't hear him laugh nor see him smile at all. It was like watching your favorite person break in front of you, and that was breaking me. 

I stepped out of the bunk area where Ben was sitting at the table with Sam and James.

I did my best not to limp, but as soon as my gaze met Sam's I had a feeling like he knew exactly what was going on. James' gaze followed my every move too. 

"What is this? Examination of who ate the last cookie?" I asked choosing not to ignore their eyes fixed on me.

"What was the screaming last night? Ben here is a dickhead and won't tell me." James spoke. 

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