Chapter 42

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"One more time, just to be clear. You'd like to report blackmailing, kidnapping, use of illegal poison, physical abuse and rape? All on one person? Dusten Boles?" 

"Yes." I nodded trying to keep my face straight, my breathing even and my body still. 

This police visit was even harder than I thought. I had to sit here and tell the story of my pathetic life to a person I don't even know, who may or may not believe me and who will practically decide if my 'story' is even worth taking to court. I myself didn't even know what I wanted. If it comes to court I'll have to repeat all of this in front of a hundred people. Don't be surprise if I say I'm not looking forward to it.

"And you also want to say that Danny Worsnop had his hands in the blackmailing, kidnapping and use of illegal poison too?" The officer glared at me over his glasses. "And Dusty's friends, Serj and Igor... You're saying they participated in physical abuse."

"Yes." I nodded again.

"Those are some serious accusations." The officer who's name I didn't catch said. 

"Yes, I am aware." I said getting really annoyed with this.

He kept me here all night examining me like I'm the criminal and now he's gonna act like I'm coming up with this stuff just for fun. 

This is why I hate the cops. They act where they don't need to and they're skeptical when the truth is practically in front of their face.

"Okay." He said after a 5 minute long skeptical staring at my face. 

"Can I go now?" I asked.

"Oh, no. No way." He said and I considered punching him. 

"You'll have to stay here until we get the suspects unless you have someone to claim they're gonna keep an eye on you." The officer spoke and I started to regret my decision about coming here. "Technically you'll have to be under house arrest because these are some harsh accusations." 

"Can I make a phone call?" I asked. 

"I think you don't need to." An officer who guarded the door of the room me and Mr. Skeptical were in said.

Not even two seconds later Cameron's head popped up in my view. 

"Can we get 10 minutes alone?" Cam asked the cops.

"We'll be back in 5." I was really getting sick of being treated like I'm the bad guy.
Maybe I should've taken justice into my own hands and put a knife through Dusty's balls.

I shook my head getting rid of the dark thoughts as the cops left and Cameron stood before me. He looked at me - more like examined - my face, but not strictly like the officer yet carefully with kind of a sad expression on his face. He moved my hair out of my face revealing a still fresh cut above my eyebrow. Then he looked at my still slightly swollen lip and eventually he brought up my left wrist rolling up my sleeve. I looked away, but let him as his fingers gently crossed across my stained red bandages.

"I didn't relapse, I swear." I mumbled barely audible, but I had to say something. I couldn't take him being disappointed in me. "It was a chip... I... I had to get it out..." 

"It's okay." Cameron just pulled me into a tight hug. "Everything's gonna be okay now." He whispered.

"You know?" I asked recognizing his knowing tone. 

"I read your accusation list. I know enough." Cam said and although I didn't know how should I feel with him knowing that my 'abusive' relationship wasn't just emotionally abusive as I made it out to be.

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