Chapter 3

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Next morning I woke up with a hangover. My plan last night was to get so drunk so I forget everything that happened. Obviously I failed because even through the headache the only thing I could think about was Ben's lips on mine. 

God, I was so screwed. 

"Babe!" I heard someone call out.

My muscles tensed up and I shifted in my bunk trying to pretend I'm still sleeping. 

The curtains of my bunk were ripped open.

"Hey Denis, wake up." Luckily, it was just Cameron. 

I'm currently not sure if I can handle alone time with Ben.

"James and Sam are going out and I'm going to Walmart soon. Want anything?" 

"Where's Ben?" Stupid, stupid move. But I had to know with what I'm dealing right now.

"Eating cereal, I think." He answered. "So? Want something?" Jeez he was so impatient. 

"Let me just get dressed and see what's in the fridge." I said, and Cameron just nodded and left.

Once I was done I walked straight to the fridge trying not to look at Ben who looked at me. 

"Your cereal is already on the table." Sam told me, and I slowly closed the fridge glaring at him and James.

"Is this a prank, too?" I asked glaring at the bowl of cereal on the table expecting the milk to go green or something. 

"Can't we just be nice for once?" James sighed dramatically.

"Um... I know you, so... no." I said still suspiciously looking at the cereal. 

Sam rolled his eyes walked to the table and took a spoonful of cereal in his mouth swallowing it. "Convinced now?"

"Whatever." I muttered and sat across Ben making sure I don't look at him. 

"We're going out, we'll be back in like an hour." James announced and him and Sam left.

I remembered I was alone with Ben too late for my own good. I could feel Ben glaring at me but I pretended to be highly interested in the cereal in front of me. 

"Soo..." Ben started but Cameron cut him off entering the room.

"So you guys want anything from Walmart?" He said heading towards the door. 

Thank God! "I can't decide. I'm coming with you!" I jumped out of my chair and flew out the door after Cameron.

"What's up with you today? You're acting strange." Cam told me after a few minutes of walking in silence. 

"Well, wouldn't you be suspicious if your best friends pulled pranks on you all the time?" I shot him a glare.

"No, not that. You're avoiding Ben." He said and I almost stopped dead in my tracks. But I had enough self-control to continue walking even tho my heart rate sped up. 

I hated that he knew me so well.

Cameron looked at me with his eyebrows high when I didn't answer. I thought I've been thinking a lot faster. 

Eventually I just sighed. "He kissed me yesterday." I confessed.

"You know he's kissed us all, right?" Cameron said like it's no big deal. 

"Yeah, this was different." I said and Cameron just raised his eyebrows again. "It was like a full make out session."

First he laughed and I bit the inside of my cheek already slightly regretting telling him. But then he smirked. "So you kissed back?" 

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