Chapter 16

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Before I could scream, before I could run, goddammit before I could even process what was happening he covered my mouth and slammed me into the wall behind me looking around.

When I became fully aware of the situation my body was already shaking. 


This time there was no adrenaline, it was all fear. I couldn't think straight I couldn't even breathe. 

It was like everything was happening in slow motion.

Dusty finally looked at me, his stupid fucking grin still spread across his face. 

I should've punched him right in the face while I still had a chance and run. I could've managed to get to our bus before he catches up with me.

But Dusty had a surprise effect on me and I froze. I fucking froze. 

And there was this thing that this was Dusty. I spent years with him. I knew him. I knew what he's capable of. I knew how he is, he doesn't have sympathy. He never feels others pain. He just doesn't care as long as he's getting what he wants...

Even when I wasn't the target I knew what he could do. 

And that awareness made me scared. I was absolutely terrified of what he could do. Of what he once did. Memories I kept buried in the back of my mind hoping I'll never, ever have to dig back out started pouring into my thoughts like water in a fucking waterfall.

My eyes started burning but I blinked the tears away refusing to cry in front of him again. 

"I told you I'll find you again." Dusty spoke and I flinched on the sudden sound of his voice.

I wanted to say something because one of my ways for dealing with fear was to ramble. Hear my own voice and maybe buy some time. But Dusty still held his hand across my mouth. 

"Oh and if you think he'll come he won't." He stated staring me dead into my eyes.

I narrowed my eyebrows trying to convince myself I had no idea what he's talking about when in reality I knew too well. 

"Don't believe me? Fine. I'll show you." He rolled his eyes and pushed me forward gripping my hands behind my back.

He dragged me to a bar making sure we moved through the dark so nobody could see us.
We stopped once my face was in front of a window. 

"Look." He said sounding annoyed.

And unfortunately I did. I looked through the window and regretted it right that moment. 

Ben was there, and Danny was there. Just like James was there and Sam too. They were all there. Actually all but Cameron.

They were all wasted. You could tell. They were all laughing like there's no tomorrow and the way they moved gave them away. I spent too much time with them drunk to just know when they're drunk and right now they were absolutely wasted. 

I didn't know what to think. No, actually, I didn't know how to feel. I just felt empty.

Did Ben just forget? Just like that? The whole thing wasn't even my idea... It was all him and he just forgets like that?

It hurt, honestly.

Maybe it even wasn't the thing that he just forgot... Maybe it was the thing that he was with Danny now. I mean I'd like them to be friends again because they had a really strong friendship back in the day but he made such a mess before this tour and he just forgets about everything the first day Danny shows up. 

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