Chapter 50

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One month of the guys taking care of me like I was a drop of water on their palm went flying. We bonded all over again, and honestly, I can now finally agree with Ashley. Everything does happen for a reason. The guys and I were closer than ever and Ben and I were... 

"Hey Denis!" Ben called out. "Do you want the blue hair shampoo or the yellow one?"

He was packing my stuff and I think that kinda spoke for itself.

"The one with lemons!" I yelled back. 

"That's so gay!" Ben yelled back at me and I almost spat out my drink from laughter.

"And you aren't!" I yelled sarcastically. 

"Only for you!" I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Shut up, both of you, I'm trying to eat!" Sam yelled from the kitchen and I had to spit my drink back into my glass so I can laugh my ass off. 

It was the last day of 10 Years in The Black Tour and as planned we're gonna appear without anyone knowing.

All the public knew was that Asking Alexandria has pulled out of the tour for emergency reasons.

The fans were guessing it had something to do with me and it was actually quite interesting reading all the comments and all their guesses, but nothing was confirmed. Nobody besides our record label knew we were gonna appear tonight and it was a priority of ours to keep it that way.

"I'm ready." James said when he entered Ben's living room and saw me. 

Although Ben and Sam were neighbors and James and I were supposed to be staying with Ben while Cam was supposed to be staying with Sam we didn't really pay attention in who's house we were. For the past week, Ben, Sam and I were sleeping in Ben's house and James and Cam were in Sam's.

"Where's Cam?" I asked. 

"He's still packing. More like re-packing actually. He's paranoid he forgot something." James answered.

"It's a three week make up tour, what the hell he has to even pack?" Sam said entering the living room with his small suitcase behind him. 

"Well, he has to have his laptop, and some books and clothes for if it's cold or if it's hot..." James rolled his eyes and sat down beside me.

"Pretty much reminds me of Denis." Ben walked into the room pulling both his suitcase and mine. "I need to have my hoodies in case it's cold, but I also need to have my V-neck's in case it's hot. Oh yeah, and pack both my boots and my converse." Ben mimicked my voice into a girly one and James and Sam both laughed. 

"That's because Denis and I are smart and when it's freezing outside there's no way in hell I'm borrowing any one of you my hoodies." Cameron appeared at the door with his huge suitcase.

"Mhm... Whatever you say, Cam." Ben smiled at him. 

"We have to go." Sam reminded us. "Our flight leaves in 15 minutes."

We all got our suitcases and walked out of Ben's house. We took a cab to the airport and when we got there we got on our plane. 

Although, our flight was just 3 hours long which is nothing compared to the 18 hour flights that we used to take, Cameron managed to fall asleep in the first half an hour and Sam and James both had their headphones in and their eyes closed. Maybe asleep and maybe not. What mattered anyways was that they couldn't hear us which was good since I craved alone time with Ben.

Although Ben and I had a lot of alone time in the past month it seemed like it was never enough. 

"Are you scared?" Ben asked me as he noticed that none of the guys could hear us.

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