Chapter 18

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~Ha haaa hahaha hahahahaha smut warning, and happy Halloween!~

I started at the person in the mirror. I mean, it was me but it wasn't me.
My eyes were red an puffy and my face was all red from all the crying.
I already rinsed my face three times but I still looked all swollen. How could Cam even look at me like this?
A sudden smile lit up my face. He talked me out of an anxiety attack again. He just knew how to deal with me and he was always there.
I tasted guilt in my mouth. He was right. I totally forgot about him in the past days but I seriously don't even know how to tell him what's going on right now.
I don't want to mention Dusty. To anyone. Ben already knows to much, and so does Cameron.
I'll survive this month somehow and then get my life back together. I'll just have to be a lot smarter. If Dusty wants to play a game, I'll have to fucking play.
It's sick, I know. Especially considering what just happened but if I wanna keep my sane I'll have to do it. And I'll have to do it by my own.
My body ached, and my vision became blurry again.
I angrily whipped my tears away before they spilled and sat on the ground next to the sink.
After a while a knock on the door brought me back to reality. "Denis, are you okay in there?" Cam.
I jumped to my feet. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute!" I said and thankfully my voice didn't shake.
"I'm waiting for you in my bunk, hurry." He said and I could hear him walk away.
I let out my breath and looked myself in the mirror once more.
I still looked like shit, but that's something I'll have to deal with for a while.
As soon as I opened the bathroom door I met Ben's blue eyes staring at me.
There was a rollercoaster of emotions going through them and before I could even say anything he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged back but when I tried to let go he held the hug a little bit longer.
When I met his eyes again I could see tears in them but he blink them away before I could say anything about it.
He just pulled me into another tight hug, but this time when he let me go he started talking.
"Denis, I've been worried sick. Like, I thought you were mad at me or something. You weren't answering your phone and I've been calling you whole night." He took a deep breath, and he started to sound and act like himself again swinging his hands in the air while he talked really fast. "I went to meet you behind the venue and you weren't there, I thought you weren't ready yet so I went to the bar to tell James not to lock the bus because I will most likely come back in the morning. But Danny was there and Sam, and they were like 'come on take a shot' and I was like 'no' but I ended up taking that shot and that one turned into like 7. And then I remembered and when I went back you still weren't there. I noticed what time it was and I thought you probably got there and left because you thought I ditched you. And I wen't back to the bar because I didn't have my phone and I called you from James' phone, but when you weren't answering I finally asked them if they've seen you and then Danny said he saw you before he came to the bar, that you were talking to someone just before the bus area, and I thought you got caught up with the fans so I went there but you weren't there and when I came back to the bar I eventually gave in to James and Sam who managed to get me drunk. We stayed there with Danny until he had to leave. Not even 5 minutes after that Sam decided we should get some sleep too and we headed back to the bus. I don't even remember falling asleep but I sure as hell remember waking up with a fucking hangover... Anyway when I figured you weren't in your bunk I started to really worry and.." And then his eyes grew wide while looking at me as he seemed to notice how fucked up I looked.
"Oh my God..." He breathed out. "Shit, I'm sorry. Fuck! What's wrong? You don't think I stood up on you right?"
"No..." I muttered.
This was all happening too fast for me. Did he just say that Danny actually saw me with Dusty? But the timing for that was so off... What was Danny talking about then? Maybe he mixed me up with someone. And Dusty, he knew all along!
"Denis, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Ben started but I cut him off.
"No Ben, it's not you." I actually had to smile. Even in this messed up state and situation I was I couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked. He was just so cute! Worrying and caring to the point he was actually stressed out... And the fact this was about me just warmed my heart.
"Was it the dude that's blackmailing you?" Ben's face went serious. "Denis, I swear if he..."
"No, Ben. I think it was just a hater after all." I said feeling guilty. The mark on my wrist still burned.
"Then what is it?" He asked softly. "Your eyes are red and puffy, have you been crying?"
Fuck, why didn't I think about this question. I've been denying everything all along. I can't deny this, it's pretty obvious I've been crying.
Should I tell him? He stared at me with his crystal blue eyes and it was almost impossible for me to lie to him.
But I snapped myself out of the sudden trans. "It's nothing... I just overthink."
"So it is about me... I'm sorry... You know I wouldn't..." He started again with the fast talking but I stopped him with a kiss.
He immediately kissed back. Oh my God, I missed this. And it's been what, not even 24 hours.
The feeling of euphoria just erupted in my stomach and I felt like I was floating through clouds. Ben was like a drug, but I wasn't gonna complain. He was like a drug that made my life complete. So many things in my life right now were trying to break me and Ben was the only thing that kept me in one piece.
His lips were so soft and they moved perfectly against mine.
"You're perfect, okay?" I said when we took a break to breathe.
"Good to know." He said, breathing heavily. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if it was me that's making you so upset."
His lips met mine again in a more heated kiss.
He turned me around slamming me into the bathroom door and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
His hands traveled to my ass and I let him slip his tongue into my mouth.
Our battle for dominance didn't last long with the obvious winner and I just tangled my hands into his soft hair letting Ben research every inch of my mouth while quiet moans escaped from both of our mouths.
Ben squeezed my ass sending chills all over my body.
"I gotta get you out of those jeans." He breathed out, his voice deep, making this whole situation even hotter.
And considering my boner I couldn't agree more.
He attacked my neck sucking on it and pushing me harder into the door behind us while I was trying to get a hold of his jeans.
The door couldn't handle the force of two of us horny, desperately trying to get in each other's pants and they flew open making me fall backwards with Ben on top of me. The situation didn't slow us down tho. Ben kicked the door shut and slipped my shirt off when I undid his jeans.
He then returned to my neck slowly sliding to my nipples undoing my jeans at the same time.
When he slid them down to my ankles I kicked them off and slipped Ben's shirt off.
Now we were both in our boxers, but Ben was still having his fun with my neck. He loved leaving marks all over it, or it could be the moans I tried to keep down.
However, I slipped my hand into his boxers getting a hold of his dick, and let me tell you, he wasn't even remotely small as he liked to joke about.
"Fuck!" He hissed, biting on my neck a little bit harder this time.
Then I started to move my hand picking up some pace.
"Fuck... Shit! Denis..." He moaned trying to keep it down considering we were in the bathroom that's between the bunk area and the living room, and that the guys are probably on the bus too.
But then I stopped, just slowly crossing my thumb over his tip.
"Oh fuck..." He moaned loudly, digging his nails into my shoulders. "Denis, don't fucking tease..." He chocked out, his last word turning into a even louder moan as I continued my act.
"Fuck!" He screamed biting his lip as I pressed my thumb on the spot and rubbed on it.
"I didn't know you were that weak, Benjamin." I said smirking.
"Shut the fuck up!" He hissed and I could feel his hand disappear into my boxers.
"Fuck." I whispered when I felt his fingers slowly moving.
I felt his whole palm up to the tip of his fingers running across my tip all the way down to my ass. Again and again and again picking up some pace every time.
My moans also got louder with each movement of his hand until I practically shouted his name. Then he stopped shifting his hand and jerking me off agonizingly slow.
"Keep it down Den-Den." He whispered and I could technically hear the smirk in his voice.
But then I moved my hand rubbing on his tip again, harder this time. That took him by surprise apparently, as he chocked on his own spit and groped my ass with his free hand. I could feel all the muscles in his body tense but I didn't give him the chance to catch his breath.
I shifted my hand and started jerking him off full speed immediately.
Ben's breaths were shaky, deep and painfully uneven.  His moans were fucking sexy but loud.
It took him a moment to focus on his breathing and silent his moans and then he started moving his hand pulling down my boxers with the other.
"Oh, fuck... Ben..." I moaned not even realizing how loud I was.
"Shut up Denis, you're loud!" He snapped pulling his own boxers down as well, and moving his hand faster making me moan even louder to the point where I was almost screaming.
I sped up my moves too, though, making sure to run my fingers over his tip every time.
When he lost control over his moans he found my lips and shut us both up with a kiss shoving his tongue into my mouth while we lied there on the cold bathroom floor trying to out speed the other what led us into oblivion eventually cumming all over each other and the floor.
Ben collapsed next to me and we lied there for a while breathing heavily, both of us speechless until I broke the silence.
"Well, that was..."
"Yeah..." Ben breathed out.
"I mean, like..."
"Yeah..." Ben repeated, and then looked at me pinching my cheek. "You still owe me that date, tho."

A/N: Fun fact: My phone died while I was writing this chapter and there was no electricity so I had to write the whole fucking smut scene on a fucking paper with a fucking pen in front of my whole family. Well, that was fun... XD

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