Chapter 41

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for Dusty to come back. It's been just a day and Serj and Igor used every chance they got to beat the living shit out of me.

I clenched my jaw as I pressed a rag soaked in alcohol onto my lip. I sharply inhaled through my teeth. Fuck, that hurt. 

My whole body hurt with each movement. Serj and Igor blamed me for their career not taking off, for them being a part of the Night People, for Dusty wanting me where ever he was... They pretty much blamed me for everything that didn't went as they wanted, so their solution was to beat the crap out of me when no one's watching.


They'd usually stop before they'd seriously wound me, but my lip was just swelling over and over again getting worse with each passing hour. My ribs were so bruised I didn't even dare to look at them and so was my stomach. And my hands and legs just generally hurt.

I spent most of the time locked in Dusty's room with no phone, TV or anything that would kill that time. I was practically left to sit there and think, which was the fucking worst considering my anxiety. I knew the guys saw me last night and it was eating me alive that I had no access to social media to see if they decided to say anything. To see if they finally started thinking I really bailed on them. To see the fans reaction to that video I made saying I was back in Make Me Famous. I preyed to fucking God someone will notice something was off with the video. 2016. was a fucked up year and I hoped I'll finally have some benefit from the internet being so easily triggered and that someone will make a mess out of that video too. 

I changed the bandages on my cuts again and pulled my sleeve down looking myself in the mirror. Most of my cuts on my wrist were mostly healed, but the deepest ones were still pretty much fresh because of my scratching. If I manage to keep that hand safe from new hits or scratches it's gonna heal in the next few days I suppose. My face looked pretty normal after I covered most of my scratches there and messed my hair across my forehead with the exception of my split lip.

God, that fucking hurt. 

I ripped my gaze away from my reflection and as my foot stepped out of the bathroom I heard Serj's voice and I quickly pulled back.

"What do you mean, you're not coming back with the first flight to New York?" He said. 

"Do you know how to get on a fucking plane when you're carrying a dead body with you?" I heard Dusty's voice.

I looked towards the living room and Serj and Igor fell into my view along with a phone Serj was holding up in the air. 

They were talking with Dusty over the phone and he was on speaker.

"You got him?" Igor asked sounding kinda stoked. 

"Not yet, but I have him on gun point. Soon he's gonna be drugged and falling into the arms of the right people." Dusty said proudly.

"You're gonna use the poison?" Igor asked again. 

"No, I'm gonna use candy!" Dusty said sarcasm dripping off of his words. "Of course I'm gonna use the poison you fucking idiots!" Dusty hissed sounding stressed out and angry all of a sudden. 

I on the other hand, was... scratching. Fuck!

I quickly let go of my bandages and clenched my hands into fists as fear climbed up my spine.

Were they talking about Ben?

"Okay, when are you coming then?" Serj asked.

"I gave him enough of that shit to keep him 'dead' for 24 hours, so I'm gonna take a private jet. I'll be there tomorrow morning, keep an eye on Denis. Of anything happens to him I'm gonna personally kill you both."

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