Chapter 17

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I woke up with my mind blank.

That was enough of a sing for me to keep my breathing even and my eyes closed. 

I could feel someone's hand around me and I could hear someone breathing besides me.

The room I was in was slightly illuminated with daylight so I suppose the room had a window. I was lying on something warm and soft. With covers over me. Definitely a bed. 

Wait a minute...

I was lying in bed with someone's hand around me!

My eyes shot open and no one other than Dusty fell into my view.

I pushed him away from me and tried getting up but I ended up rolling off of the bunk and falling straight to the ground face first. 

I didn't even care, I jumped to my feet and stumbled backwards as soon as I heard shifting on the bed.

What the fuck happened?! I forced myself to think but I couldn't remember a thing. 

"Babe, come back to bed." Dusty muttered burying his face into the pillows but I could still see the smirk he was trying to hide.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I snapped. "Why the fuck am I here?"

And why am I only in my fucking boxers?!

He shifted to the side and looked at me. More like eye raped me. 

Fuck! Why couldn't I remember?!

"You can't remember?" Dusty looked up like he was thinking. "So that's how good I was?"

My eyes went wide with shock and I refused to even think what could've happened... considering he was also only in his boxers.

I wrecked my brain trying to get out anything from last night but I could only recall waiting for Ben. 

Dusty started at me waiting, and then a smile spread across his face.

"Well, after I took you to that bar you couldn't keep your hands off of me." His smile grew wider and he got off of the bunk approaching me. "Just like old times."

What was he talking about?!

I would take a step back if I already wasn't leaning against a wall. 

"Jeez Denis, you don't have to be scared..." In a heartbeat he had me pinned against that damn wall. "...of me." He finished, his face so close to mine that I could actually feel his hot breath on my lips.

And then I rememberd...

Ben, Danny and the others at the bar. Me being upset and Dusty whipping away my tears, and then kissing me.

My eyes went wide once again and I pushed Dusty away. He let me though. 

I found my clothes on the ground and threw them on facing Dusty when I was fully dressed.

He just stood on the side glaring at me like he won, a smirk playing in the corner of his lips. 

I haven't been drinking last night so I should be able to recall what happened. I know I pushed Dusty away, I just know, even tho I don't remember it.

But how the fuck did I wake up in his fucking bunk then?

He could've gotten me drunk... Well then I would be hangover so that's out of the picture.

Is it possible he drugged me? Who am I kidding, it's Dusty, of course it's possible but from where would he get them tho. We were behind a huge building near a forest at night. And as much as I could remember I didn't drink anything with him.

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