Chapter 22

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~smut warning~


After the incident we had four days off so Cameron and I an 'recover'. It's not like anyone asked us tho, because if you asked me I would've gone to the stage the first day I was let go from the hospital and I bet Cam would do the same.

I mean, the shows are the best kind of therapy... Like the rush of energy and adrenaline you get, it's just amazing. 

But of course they made us stay at the bus treating us like a flower under a glass bell.

Can you hear me rolling my eyes?

Anyways, Ben and I dropped the L-bomb three days ago... So that was something.

It felt nice to admit it, actually. Not only to him, to myself as well. 

It was difficult tho, because we still haven't told the guys and we aren't planing on doing it anytime soon, but we still couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

And also I'm getting better at containing my jealousy towards Danny so... that's progress. I was still kinda skeptical towards the whole Danny thing and all, but I was getting better at ignoring it. 

I mean, Ben did tell me he loved me, right? I should have nothing to worry about.

"Denis!" I heard James call out my name storming into the bunk area ripping the curtains open.

"We're watching a movie, wanna join?"

"What movie?"

"The Exorcist." James smirked. "It's classic."

"Haven't you watched that like twelve times now?" I asked frowning. 

He rolled his eyes. "You wanna watch or nah?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming... Jeez calm your tits." I said getting off of my bunk and following him to the 'living room'.

"I'm taking the couch and the blanket!" Ben announced.

"You can't take the whole couch!" Sam protested. 

"Watch me." Ben said lying on the couch so no one can sit.

"Leave the bastard alone, such a child." Cameron sighed dramatically and we all laughed. 

Ben stuck out his tongue at Cam causing all of us to laugh again when the bus door opened revealing Danny who moved towards us.

A wave of hot fury washed over me, but I made sure my smile stays on m face. 

"Exorcist?" Danny commented looking at the TV. "Nice. Mind if I join?"


"No, not at all." James was the first to speak. "Jump in. But you'll have to deal with the fact that Ben wants the whole couch for himself."

Danny sat on the ground next to Sam laughing. "Ben, being as childish as always." 

Ben just shrugged and they all focused on the TV when James hit play.

I was sitting on the ground leaning on the left side of the couch kinda isolated from all of them, but honestly, I didn't even mind. 

You can't blame me for feeling endangered from Danny's side. I mean, he was once in my place. I am replacing him. And I've been here for only year and a half while he was there for six years. I liked to keep my distance from him. And plus, it's not like I liked horror movies. Like, at all.

I'm not sure how much time passed when Ben lightly tapped my head making me zone back into reality. 

He put his finger to his mouth getting my attention, then lightly tapping on the couch next to him.

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