Chapter 36

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A/N: Fuck it! XD Here's an extra chapter! Enjoy! 💚✌️

"You ready?" Dusty asked me as we stood before the door of his apartment where the rest of the guys from Make Me Famous were staying. It was more like their apartment, but Dusty was the leader. He always was.
Honestly I wanted to shake my head, but if I was going to get myself out of this I'll have to get Dusty to trust me again.
He had power over me and I was well aware of that, but I'll have to keep myself in the right state of mind. I'll have to remind myself what he's done. Before and now. I'll have to hate him, but I'll have to play along at the same time. He knows what he's capable of doing to me. He knows he can easily make me fall for him again. I know that too, but all I have to do is not fall for him yet convince him that I did.
Simple. So simple.
A shiver went down my spine and I just nodded not trusting my own voice.
"Okay, it's gonna be fine, jut trust me baby." He spoke smiling at me and I had to resist every urge in my body not to make a face and raise my eyebrows in disbelief.
I will never understand how can he fake it like that. I understand acting and faking to a level. But he switches personalities and fakes literally everything.
I nodded again and Dusty opened the door. The guys were sitting on the couch. They seemed stunned when they finally looked back towards Dusty and I and I wondered if Dusty even mentioned my legendary return to MMF.
"What is he doing here?" My suspicions were confirmed when Serj spoke.
"Relax." Dusty said, a wide grin on his face. "He's with us."
"What do you mean he's with us." Jace demanded.
"Well, as Sergei left, I decided Igor should switch to bass guitar and we should get a high screamer and clean singer again." Dusty explained. "And as Denis and I are dating again and he left Asking, I thought it would be a good idea to bring him back for the role."
I did my best not to jump at the 'dating' thing. Also, I had a feeling that all of this was fucking staged to mess with my already messed up head.
"You're dating again?" Igor eyed me.
"Yes." I said thankfully not chocking on the word.
Dusty looked at me and I could've sworn there was a spark in his eyes, but I chose to ignore it.
"And you didn't... I don't know... Talk about it with us first?!" Serj demanded.
"Look Denis is 100% with us. With his vocals, now fully developed we can go and do anything. Just imagine all the girls that will be all over you." Dusty said enthusiasm leaking off his words.
Oh my God, these dudes were doing this for completely wrong reasons. It took everything in me not to face palm as I saw everyone's eyes flicker with lust.
"Okay." Serj said. "Welcome back Denis." He announced. "But don't you dare fuck us over again.
Don't you dare torture me again!, I wanted to scream, but instead I just smiled. "I won't believe me. I lost my way the moment I stepped away from you guys."
I could practically hear Dusty smile from ear to ear and the rest of the guys nodded approvingly.
"Just in time for a new record too, jackass." Jace hit my shoulder playfully and I smiled instead of stepping out of his touch.
There is no way in fucking hell I'm doing a record with them!
"Can't wait." I said instead and did my best to widen my smile.
"Someone please order pizza and do something with our stuff. We just got off our flight, I feel dead and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend does too."
I tried not to cringe at Dusty's words as he got my hand and pulled me towards his room.
The very second the door closed Dusty pulled me in for a kiss. I considered pushing him away, but I reminded myself that I have to act it out, so I kissed back.
Thankfully, he didn't turn it into a make out session, he move away with a wide smile on his face. It was fucking hypnotizing and I wondered why he had this much power over me as I caught myself smiling back at him.
"What was that for?" I asked as he basically shot fireworks.
How can he fucking fake that much emotion.
"Honestly, I though you're gonna be hesitant about all of this.... I though you didn't really believe me when I said I wanted you back for real." He spoke.
"Hey, hey..." I took his hands in mine trying to imagine Ben standing before me. "I believe you. And now that I have you back, I know we can get to the top of the world... together. You know, just like old times."
He smiled and I fucking couldn't believe how well he was at faking his excitement. Faking his love towards me.
It made me sick, but I kept my grin wide.
He then pulled me down on the bed and just pulled me close to him. It took me a while to relax in his arms, but I forced my muscles to let go of the tension and just calm the fuck down.
"Remember back in high school when we did this all summer long up on your roof?" Dusty spoke and I knew right there what he was trying to do.
I played his mind games for so long that I was now actually able to see through them. He was trying to trigger nice memories with him in.
"How could I ever forget that, before you walked into my life high school was fucking hell. I'll cherish those moments with you forever." I said smiling, but inside my mind I was ripping his face off.
"We can make more of those moments now, right?"
I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound. "I'm so glad to have you back." I said drowning out my own thoughts as I snuggled up to him.
"To celebrate I should take you out on a date." Oh, great.
"Really?!" I faked the excitement the best I could.
"Yeah, I'm definitely taking you out tomorrow night." Dusty smirked and honestly, I did not like the idea not even a little.
His smirk was always a bad sign, specially if he proceeded telling me to go to sleep.
I was exhausted, but I was unable to sleep with his fucking arm around me, so I just evened out my breathing and kept my eyes closed. Although my muscles were ready to jump and attack if anything that shouldn't be happening happened, I managed to keep them relaxed.
I don't know how much time passed when Dusty finally moved away from me.
He got to his feet and I heard him slip away from the room. He was pretending to sleep too. But why?
"I'm gonna go see what's up with the Night People and I'll personally fucking kill you if anything happens to Denis." I heard Dusty spat.
The rest of the guys didn't make a sound before he walked out the door.
They waited a couple minutes and then Jace spoke, "He's gone."
Before I knew it the lights in the room I was in were on and the Serj, Jace and Igor were staring at me.
"Don't bother to fake it. We know you're awake." Serj spoke and they all walked up to the bed.
I looked at them innocently. "Why did you turn on the lights..."
"Oh save it." Serj cut me off while Igor stood by him like a supportive girlfriend and while Jace looked kinda uneasy on this whole situation.
"What did I do?" I asked kinda pissed.
It was no way my fault I was in this situation. If it was someone's fault it was their's.
"I know you will walk out if here the first chance you get, you lil' fucker." Serj grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me into the wall.
I've been slammed into a wall so many times in the last couple of months that it didn't even hurt anymore.
"It's not my fucking fault I'm here." I shot back, but Serj didn't seem to care.
"Dusty is too fucking blinded with his own sick hunger towards you to see that you are fucking cancer to anything you come across." He spoke slowly poison dripping off of each of his words.
It didn't get to me this time, tho.
I was the victim in this situation, and they're not going to make me feel guilty about it. Kiryll has succeeded in it and it wasn't a pleasant feeling nor I'm planing on going through that shit again.
Maybe this shit with Dusty was necessary to wake me the fuck up. It's not my fault that I was a victim of abuse. Ashley was right I'll have to take measures.
"I'm not cancer to this band you all are. You're doing what you're doing for wrong reasons and you're never succeed like that." I said honestly.
"Oh you're such a smartass." Serj moaned gripping me around the neck.
"It's the fucking truth!" Rage was building up in me. "What do you think how Asking Alexandria got where they are now? What do you think why I wanted to be a part of that? Those guys have passion written all over their fucking faces! They can't live without making music! And it's same for me! I'm not out for money or fame... Music is the way I deal with life and if it's not your way too, you're doing it for the wrong reasons and you're never gonna make it."
I had to get it out there. It always annoyed me with them. I'd write music according to how I'd feel while they just thought about what would make a good hit.
Serj laughed in my face, tho. "Dusty should've left you in Yorkshire. You would've killed yourself before they would even be trace of us having our fingers in this."
So, this was about that.
They thought I was planning on going to the police.
Smart fuckers.
But no, not yet. I have to get Dusty to trust me. I have to get in contact with Ashley, find out if she's okay. I have to find out what exactly is going on with AA... and then... Maybe. Just maybe, I'll be able to go to the police.
"I'm pretty sure Dusty told you not to fucking touch me." I chocked out from under his grip and Serj moved away as he suddenly remembered.
"I'm doing this for Dusty and not you." I lied. In case they're recording or some shit. I learned that everything is fucking possible an I have to have every fucking thing covered. "I love him, and although I don't really like your asses I'm gonna do it with you because Dusty wants it that way. Now pretty please leave me alone so I can sleep. I have a date to attend tomorrow." I said in a bitchy tone not recognizing myself.
They stared at me in disbelief, so apparently I was quite convincing.
When they finally left without a word, I closed the door and took out my phone.
I tend to surf on the internet when I can't sleep and I was never more greatful for that bad habit then now.
'11/14 NEW YORK CITY, NY, WEBSTER HALL' was pinned on my feed wall on instagram.
It was a 10 Years In The Black Tour date. I was in New York City, and that was tomorrow.
My heart rate suddenly went up.
I didn't follow that person who put it up. I could see it only because I was tagged on the post. And in the description there was a bunch of links along with '#stoffarmy'.
Those are my fans?
Did I really have my own fans? People that refused to believe the guys from AA and that actually believed in me? This was unreal...
But how did they know? I followed the links one by one and it led me myriad positive posts about me. So there was this thingy '#wesupportdenis' and honestly it warmed my fucking heart.
There was people that haven't given up on me. I soon discovered that every 10 Years In The Black Tour date was linked and sent to me.
And this one user '' started it all.
I read the comments on all of the posts about me I could find. There was haters, but all of them were fucking destroyed by the stoff army. Oh well. This was a bit overwhelming. I soon noticed that people were talking about something being off. They didn't believe shit Ben said. They wanted to hear my side of the story and there was also a smaller group of people that believed that someone did me wrong. They think that both Asking and me were fooled. There were these constant messages in Ukrainian saying to appear at a show, saying that I have to see the guys from Asking. There were these hidden messages that I just have to trust my instincts and as soon as I get the chance to get my ass down to one of those shows.
'' started it all. A lot of people thought it was just rumors, but I knew they weren't. It was my life after all. I had to get myself to that show tomorrow. Because I knew something those people who thought all of the stories were just rumors didn't. '' was Ashley Costello.

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