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After leaving the venue Nandini was about to sit in a taxi, when Dhruv came from behind...

Dhruv- Nandini come I'll drop you...(Manik had sent Dhruv).

Nandini didn't reply and sat in the car...Manik and others sat in the other care and followed. In 30 minute's they reached her flat...She opened her flat and went inside...


She was shattered and I couldn't do anything to comfort her. I went and stood next to the door of her room and what I saw next made me feel helpless. Nandini was crying, she was shouting and complaining about her life and completely broken.  Cabir came to me and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

Cabir- Manik go and speak to her...It's been so long she has been crying...

"No Cabir, let her cry tonight...she needs to let everything out... I can't see her like this, but we need too...she needs to cry and get that pain out of her system...." It had been more than 2 hours and Nandini didn't stop crying, she was now feeling weak after crying so much and I knew now I had to stop her. I went and held her by her arms. FAB 5 too were there standing next to the door. "Nandini now enough... please stop crying...please..." She then looked at me and with anger jerked my hands.

Nandini- How dare you Manik Malhotra... how dare you touch me...

I was stunned by her words and was shocked to see the anger in her eyes.

Nandini- Manik Malhotra what do you think of yourself... you'll do whatever you feel like?

"Nandini listen to me please..." She then held my shirt with her hands tightly and shouted.

Nandini- What were you thinking hhuhh...who gave you the right...who gave Aarav the right... You men think you are God...Let me make it loud and clear to you, what you did was not right, do you get that.... Manik leave me alone...go away...go away...

She turned away from me and it made me lose my temper. I made her turn to look at me and held her and I shouted back on her. "Nandini I did what I felt was correct at that time and I have no regrets do you get that... those girls were trying to humiliate you...yes, I said you are my girlfriend and I don't think I did anything wrong. I just wanted to get you out of that situation...I can't see you pain Nandini..."

Nandini- really you go around and tell people that I am your girlfriend... you can't see me in pain hhuuhh...why can't you see me in pain...

Nandini kept asking me that question and I kept quiet, but at the end I again lost my temper and shouted back. "Because I..." and then I held myself back. I released her arms and left the room. Mukti and Dhruv came behind me and they knew my anger was on its peak. I was losing my mind and to vent my frustration I  just broke the flower vase. "How could she... why, why can't she understand...God dammit..." My friends tried to console me and on the other hand, Nandini was in her room and she kept on crying. I had finally got a bit calm and  we were sitting in her living area. Cabir was trying to make me see the situation from Nandini's viewpoint.

Cabir- Manik her anger is justified...and we know even you are not wrong completely...Please understand her situation...It's been too long she has been crying...Aliya please go check on Nandini. Aliya went towards her room and  suddenly she started to scream.

Aliya- Manik...

We all got up and went towards the room were shocked to see Nandini lying on the floor unconscious. I ran towards her and took her face in my hands. I tapped her cheeks and also sprinkled water on her face. I was getting extremely worried and kept on tapping her cheeks, "Nandini...Nandini please open your eyes...Dhruv call the" I laid her down on the bed and we rubbed her hands and feet. The doctor was on his way. We checked her breath, it was continuous and the doctor instructed us to check her temperature and said maybe she just fainted due to fatigue.  The doctor arrived and we left Nandini's side, I was in tears while the doctor checked her blood pressure.

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