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I gave a weak smile and then looked at him and said, " Manik, I know I am no one but since we spoke, I am going to ask you to do something and please do it, don't give a second thought to it..." He looked at me with shock.

Manik - I have a messed up life, my world is torn apart and now you want me to do something so that you can prove your point to seriously???

He was a bit irritated and left my hand he had held. I don't know from where I kept my hand on his shoulders and said, "Manik do you have your phone with you???Can you please give to me, I need to make a call, please..." He looked at me without any expression and kept looking at my face, as if he wanted to follow my words like a baby who was lost and was trying hard to find his home. I asked him to open the lock code for me and then I figured out from his contact list his dad's number.

He was lost in his thoughts and wasn't bothered looking at whom I was calling. I gathered myself and clicked on the phone number to connect the call and the ring went on, but no one picked, with every call being unpicked my heart too was sinking, but somewhere I had my belief in Bappa and I tried again.

After re-dialling the number 6-7 times more someone finally picked the phone, but didn't speak a word. I gathered myself and said "Hello, Am I speaking to Mr. Malhotra?" No one said a word, and I continued "I know sir you must be wondering who I am and what is your son's phone doing with me. Sir, I am Nandini speaking from London."

Manik suddenly looked at me with a shocking expression, he couldn't believe I called his dad and in the next second he tried to take the phone from my hand to cut the call, and I shrugged him off...

"Sir, do you know something your son loves you a lot, he feels he lost you, he feels you hate him after what has happened..." There was a complete silence from the other side of the phone, but I knew he was listening. "Sir, I don't know what is the matter completely, in fact I don't even know your son, I am a stranger who met him 45 minutes back when he was trying to jump off the Tower Bridge wall.But, don't worry he is safe...he is alive and Is breathing..."

I could feel that his father wanted to ask how he was and his silence spoke more than a million words that were concerned about his son and I could sense that he was worried...

"Sir, he loves you a lot, from last 45 minutes I have heard just one thing that he has nothing to look upon in his life to live for, as he thinks you and his mom hate him...Sir, that can't be true, you can't hate your own son...He doesn't have the guts to face you and wanted to end his life. Is it correct a step??" ...I don't know from where I got the confidence to speak to Manik's Dad as if I was his advocate who wanted her client to win at any cost...

"Sir, I don't know the gravity of the issue, but I know one thing sir, he has realised his mistakes and he repents, he longs to hear from you..." All this while Manik kept looking at me and firmness in my voice when I spoke from his side. On the other side of the receiver his dad finally spoke "is he fine??" And I knew the ice has broken..." Please speak to him"...

I handed over the phone to Manik who was looking at me with red eyes that were full of tears and were scared...I assured him with my eyes that just talk your heart to your father...Manik took the phone and on the other side of the phone his Dad said...

Manik's Dad- Are you fine???

Manik couldn't move, he was paralysed, not a word uttered, but tears flowed continuously...

Manik's Dad- "are you fine Manik??

He again suddenly held my hand tightly as if his world had come to stop and after a long silence...

Manik- Dad...Dad I, I ...I...

His father understood his condition and he said...

Manik's Dad- Manik, how are you son?

Manik had his emotional outburst.., I, I am sorry... Dad I am not fine, how I can be fine, I know I have lost everything, everything, I know you and mom will never want to see me, you feel disgusted to have a son like me...

Manik's Dad- yes you have hurt us...

(Manik continued crying)

Manik - Dad I humiliated you, mom and even Ridhima, I forgot that I am your son, i forgot all the values you gave me...I know I was wrong Dad... (He kept on crying till he was out of breath) Dad please, I...

Manik's Dad- Manik, be safe and we'll reach London as soon as we can, don't you dare try to end your life, where are you staying and who is the girl with you? I would ask Natasha about your whereabouts...

Manik was so overwhelmed with his father's statement, he wants to meet me.

Manik- Dad, you are coming to meet me here in London, really dad...

Manik's Dad- Yes son, yes you have hurt us, yes your actions and words have made huge wounds in our heart...but at the end you are our son...We are coming to London.

Manik couldn't believe what his dad said a few minutes back that his parents are coming to London. I finally saw a smile creeping on his face and looking at it I understood everything he was feeling. I was relieved my efforts didn't go waste and thanked Bappa. He kept the phone down and was unable to take his dad's words inside him..

Manik-Nandini, Dad's coming to London to meet me...after whatever I did he is coming...did you hear...

I smiled at him and said "see I told you, just don't give up on your parents... I hope you are better..." I knew what he felt, that sudden unexpected turn in his life. In 2 hours his life took a new turn, emotions of anger, depression, sadness and the urge to end his life was replaced by this relived sigh on his face, as if a burden on his chest was removed...he felt better..

I looked at the watch and realised it was 4:30 a.m. "Manik where are you staying? I will order for a cab for you? I think you should rest". He didn't hear me and I put my hand on his shoulder "Manik..."

Manik -Hhmmm, what?? I don't remember the name of my hotel...I just don't remember what i am doing in London, Natasha told some brand endorsement meeting...

He was very confused and was trying to stress his mind to recollect something..."What?" I said in my mind so he doesn't know his hotel and doesn't remember how he landed up here... well I shrugged the thoughts and tried to remain calm and patient with him and again said " Where do you wish to stay ? Why don't you call your manager?" He looked at me with a question mark expression...

Manik-I just left for London, my manager, I don't know where she is... Listen, I am really sorry, I had my mind too messed up, so...

I understood his condition and somehow figured he wasn't aware about his actions all this while and I spoke "let's do one thing.... come over to my place, just rest for some time and then we call your manager to know about your arrangements ok..." He didn't utter a word as he was yet not able to understand what was happening in his life and just plainly nodded in a yes.

I took a cab for my home and I knew it was a long drive of approximately 40 minutes to reach home. On the way I realised he had fallen asleep and his face was snuggling in the crook of my neck. I was uncomfortable, but then I didn't move.

What would happen when Manik Malhotra will remember the events of the night and his strange and unplanned encounter with Nandini, who came as a blessing in his life...

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