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I know everyone wants to know about Nandini's past so before revealing it in the next 2 parts of Chapter 9, I thought it is important to know some basic things about her. So, i have penned down her sketch which will help you in knowing the old Nandini and understand her past too...


Nandini was simple, calm, innocent and obedient girl...She was raised in a very protective environment. She went to an all girls' school, but was in a co-ed school for a couple of years in between.

She then studied Computer Science Engineering, the place she never wanted talk about, but unfortunately it was a part of her life forever, she could do nothing about it. She then completed her Masters in Retail Supply Chain Management form London where she met some of her close friends for life. She now works as a senior consultant for a top consultancy firm as a specialist in Brand Strategizing.

Nandini was always a quiet girl; never did she fancy anything in life. She was her dad's sweetheart and her mom could never believe how calm her daughter was. Well, she had a mad and hyper elder brother Rishabh. They had an age difference of 6 years.

The only time Nandini would be angry or would fight was with her brother, who never left any chance to tease her. But, then he was the one who encouraged Nandini to pursue her Masters in London and also helped her convince their over-protective parents when it came to Nandini. They knew she never demanded for anything, but this time she wanted to go. They were scared as she never told anyone if something hurt her. They never doubted Nandini coz they knew she can manage herself, after college she had changed a lot...

Nandini was a great student but, she hated 2 subjects the most - she didn't like drawing at all and the second subject was Hindi. The only time she ever got scolded by her mom was when she couldn't cope up with those typically long Hindi essays or letter writing...' To everyone's surprise she was excellent in Sanskrit. She learned Kahtak for 4 years in school, but was never keen in performing on dancing in front of people. She didn't like getting judged. The biggest reason why after dance face-off she left...She knew when she danced she was completely a different person...At times due to that specially boys stared at her and she was never ever comfortable with anyone gazing her, she hated if someone tried to come close to her or flirt with her...Boys, too feared her as she never could take any such nonsense...

She never told anyone she had a hobby that she was a writer too...She always carried a black travelling diary whenever she travelled...Maybe it was hidden just for MANIK to find her unsaid words...

Then came her time to decide for college. She wanted to pursue Engineering...She got ill and joined the college 3 weeks late...She had studied in a well-known school, famous for the fact that the girls from there were snobbish. Everyone thought she was the same too and always measured their words while speaking to her. This made Nandini feel a bit left out and at times baffled...But, with time people came to know she was a sweet, caring, quiet and reserved girl.

Inspite of being a reserved girl she knew how to stand by her principles...With time Nandini started to discover herself...But, life took a 360 degree turn during her college...Her life after college was also something she had no control...And all this changed the ever so quiet, reserved and innocent soul into the Nandini she is today...Nandini then left for London and she never let anyone know anything what was going inside her...Nandini avoided going to India while she was in London...She just had one complain for her BAPPA, why does she get small happiness and with it came a big bag of tension and misery...Why couldn't she live a peaceful life...why she had to suffer a lot after every smile...

But, little did our Nandini knew that her BAPPA had some different plans for future. BAPPA made sure she met Manik Malhotra that night...

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