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Our project team had been in the conference room since morning and was meticulously working on the Malhotra Industries case. It was a massive project not only in terms of business but also extremely challenging due to the scale of it and the complexities involved. We were about to undertake pilots of their ventures. Our first rounds of meetings were more focused to their new Mineral Water venture and then align their Marketing & PR division accordingly.

Malhotra Industries had also requested us to simultaneously start working on long term plans for FAB 5 LABELS strategy. I knew FAB 5 LABELS a bit better as I was in touch with them all this time through Cabir. So, I was responsible for both the pilots.

I had known Vivek for last 3 years as we had met in a business meet in London and there on kept in touch. He infact had recommended me for the job. We were a good team as he gave me my space and was very supportive. I was trying my best to have my complete focus in the brainstorming session and Vivek did notice that I was struggling.

In our coffee break he did ask me if I was fine and I just gave him a weak smile and he didn't say anything. My travel plan was altered and now I was about to fly tomorrow evening, as we had to compile our new ideas in my presentation for Wednesday. I really had given up last night about what was happening in my life.

I retired to home late and just went on to take shower. I closed my eyes and every moment I had spent with Manik came in front of my eyes. I didn't even realize when tears started to meander on my cheeks. I was losing it bit by bit and just sat on the floor. His thoughts never left me and his touch was still so fresh on my skin.

I was tensed as to how would I face Manik and my love for him was now overpowering my anger for him. The water kept running down and by now I had began to shiver after being in water for long time. There was a knock on my door and that's when I stopped the water in swift moment and got up. It was my mom asking me to come for dinner. I stepped out wearing a bath gown and with a towel was drying my hair.

Mom- Princi you must be tired come have dinner with us.

I refused my mother and said I had something at the office and I wanted to just sleep now. I locked my room and then opened my closet to pick up my nightdress and changed. My eyes fell on the waistband Manik had got for me and I picked it up and slightly caressed it. I stood in front of the mirror and tied the waistband; it had become a bit lose for me. A faint smile crept on my lips and then the memories of that dreadful day came back to me. I knew I had to divert my mind and began my packing for the trip. However, whatever I did I just remembered Manik and it was frustrating at times as I could never spend a day without his memories.

I picked up the file Manik had sent and said to myself... "Manik you remembered this flat, but you forgot your every promise. You left me, you just left me..."

It had been a routine for me every night that inspite of my anger for him I used to sleep with his thoughts, if you called it sleeping.


I was at work and my flight was in evening. We were working on the last minute checks and then I received a call from my Dad.

Dad- Princi I will drop you to the airport so come home on time.

I had no idea why suddenly my parents were agreeing for me to work with Malhotra Industries and now my Dad wanted to drop me to the airport. It was not anything new, yet in last few months the distances between us had increased to a point that I just conversed with them only when needed. I knew there was no point arguing with Dad so I agreed and told him that I would reach in an hour.

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