Chapter 10: Screams

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Adam's POV

It was already dark, and I was on patrol with Division 7 and Ghetto. We sat down to take a short break. I looked into the unknown ahead. If I listened close enough, you could hear yelling. When one unusual yell echoed through the Forest me and Ghetto looked at eachother. I stood up, looked at Ghetto then at the forest.

"Okay lets check it out then." Ghetto said. I first walked up to another person on patrol and told them we were going to check out the yelling. Then Ghetto and I left.

It was dark. The trees looked like long arms coming out to grab us. The leaves cracked underneath my feet making a loud crunching noise every time we stepped. I could hear the screams even closer. Then from a distance we saw it, there was a group of soldiers wearing dark grey armor. They wore red clothes underneath. They were yelling at dark entities telling them to attack. They would swing at them and the entities will back away. One person yelled
" We need to get back with the others we are to far of course."

The others continued to yell and taunt the entities. At one point one of the men jabbed one of the smaller entities with its sword. It screeched and turned to dust. One of the bigger entities then charged at the man who had killed the smaller of the three. The entity let out a deafening screech and slammed the man into a tree. It bit him hard in the neck and the man yelled in pain. Soon his yelling became a gargling noise as the man choked on his own blood.

The other men then stabbed the entity while it was still biting down on the man's neck. It screeched in pain. I didn't know what came over me, but I soon found my self running their direction. A man lifted his sword over the entities head. He swung it down but I used my magic to cause the wind to push him making him go flying backwards. They all looked up at me in silence. I could see the fear in their eyes as the dark entity rose behind me letting out a shriek of anger, rage, and grattitude. It then jumped over me and attacked the men in armor.

The entity slashed,threw, and bit people some tried to run but it grabbed them and bit their necks. All I could do was stand there in silence and watch the massacer. Ghetto was standing by my side. One person caught my attention. He was holding one of the soldiers and trying to help him stand. The entity ran up to them and screeched in their face. Then grabbed the soldier that the person was helping and threw him. It look at the person who tried to help. Then went back to attaching the others. When the entity turned it's back, I expected the soldier to stab it, but he just backed away slowly. I pointed him out to Ghetto. He nodded and we both went after him. Ghetto launched himself at the person and they both fell down.

"Stay!" Ghetto yelled. The soldier listened.

When the entity had eliminated everyone, it turned to us and looked at us. It made a purring sound then disappeared into darkness.

I pointed my sword at the soldiers face. "Why did it show you mercy!" I yelled at the person. He took off his helmet and I saw tears streaming down his face. He had blue and black hair, and had an eye patch covering one eye.

"I told them not to. I told them to leave em alone." He said sniffling. "They didn't listen!" he yelled. "Why didn't they listen?"

"Who are you working for?" Ghetto questioned him.

"For the King of Prodótis of course. He isn't any good though." He said quitly.

"What happened to your eye." I asked.

"Rude."Ghetto said quietly.

The person then pointed at his eye. "I disagreed with one of the commanding officers. They wanted to attack all the entities on sight, I thought it would be easier to go by peacefully it would also conserve energy. They didn't agree with me."

Some one then groaned from the bodies. The person immediately got up and ran to it. He squatted down and said,"Adam, your gonna be alright." Then proceeded to pick the guy up and lean him on the shoulder. Ghetto then went up to them and helped the soldier carry Adam number 2.

"Why are you-" I questioned then Ghetto interrupted.

"He is injured, this guy isn't going to put up a fight and he won't leave his friend behind. We can help them now then bring them in for questioning." Ghetto said. I nodded in agreement.

We walked closer to the exit of the forest we then sat Adam number 2 down. I brought out my medical kits and went to work on his leg. While I did that, Ghetto questioned the blue headed kid.

"What is your name?" Ghetto asked.

"My name is Uni." He responded.

"What are you doing here?" Ghetto asked.

"I'm here to fight." Uni responded.

"What kingdom are you from?" Ghetto questioned.

"I'm from Kalá." Uni said. That made me raise an eyebrow.

"How did you get to the Prodótis kingdom then?" Ghetto asked

"Me and Adam were kidnapped by them." Uni said.

"Why?" Ghetto asked.

"Because they needed more soldiers, and they wouldn't notice we were gone." Uni stated in an annoyed tone

"Why wouldn't your family notice you were gone." Ghetto asked angrily.

"Because we are orphans! Kids from the orphanage had been disappearing for a while. We were taken and brought to the kingdom of Prodótis. They trained us and told us we had to fight for them. We had no reason to go back we were orphans why should we go back. What did we have to go back to? No one would miss us no one would notice that is why they started to take orphans from Kalá. They have been doing it in Nero too." Uni said rushed.

"Why haven't I heard of this?" I questioned.

"Because no one cares about ORPHANS!" Uni yelled.

"How many were taken. Was it only two at a time?" Ghetto asked.

"No, there was more." Uni said quietly.

"How many?" I asked.

"Four, but two escaped. Luckily." Uni said.

"What we're their names?" Ghetto asked.

It was me, ARG(Adam 2), Nick,and Cory, you don't know him though. "It was about 5 years ago, we had been messing around with Cory's new friend Nick. He wasn't an orphan but he would hang around us a lot. He would come to the orphanage and bring us new games every now and then. We were playing hide and seek in the woods at the time. Nick was it. Me and ARG were hiding near eachother.

Flashback Uni's POV

"Uni, you might as well give up." Nick said.

"Ahhhhh!" Nick yelled, "Hel---" his yell turned into a muffled sound. I ran out of my hiding spot right in front of a man wearing armor. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. And tied my hands "CORY! ARG help!" I yelled. Nick had a ragg stuffed in his mouth and his arms were tied behind his back. He was crying looking around confused. The guy then picked Nick up and was about to put him in the carriage when Cory jumped on the guy's back from out of a tree. Cory wrapped his hands around the guys neck then ARG came running out from behind a tree. He untied Nick. And said, "Run and don't look back." Nick listened to what ARG said and ran away. ARG then went to me and started to untie me, but then Cory was slammed against a tree. The man then kicked Cory in the stomach over and over again. Before ARG finished untieing me, he ran at the guy to stop him. That only caused him to get knocked out with one punch to the stomach. The guy then picked me up and put me in the carriage. He then brought ARG in, tied up. He pulled out a knife and gave us a creepy smile. He walked away for some time all I could hear was Cory's screams, then they suddenly stopped. Shortly after, the man returned to the carriage with his bloody knife and wiped it on a ragg. He then rode away with us in the back tied up. I never saw Cory or Nick again after that.

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